*H-w-s- “dwell, wear”
PMA vasanti “to dwell” Sanskrit, also vasana “dwelling” vas “to wear” vasi, vasana “clothing” IENH 368: *?[a|ë]w- “to sleep” Proto-Nostratic > *?h[e|a]w- “to spend the night, to sleep” Proto-IndoEuropean 'wn “to sleep, to slumber” Egyptian, AfroAsiatic SIG *A2-w-s- Pre-IndoEuropean-Semitic *w-s- Proto-IndoEuropean *wes- Proto-IndoEuropean vása-ti “dwells” Sanskrit wesan “stay, be” Old High German *awes- Proto-IndoEuropean aesa núktu “spent the night” Greek (Homer) whence *aws- Proto-IndoEuropean iaúa “spend the night” Greek extended *A2-w-s-y- > *w-s-y- Proto-Semitic tu:s^iya “permanent” Hebrew wa:sa: (“let be” >) “made (someone something)” Beduin Arabic transposed *w-A2-s- Pre-IndoEuropean-Semitic *wá:s- Proto-IndoEuropean vá:stu n. “abode, house” Sanskrit whence reduced *vas- Proto-IndoEuropean vastu n. “place” Sanskrit wastu “town” Greek EIEC *H2wes- “dwell, pass the night, stay” *H2woseti “passes the night, dwells” vesa “be, stay” Old Norse wesan “be, stay” Old English wesan “be, stay” Old High German wisan “stay, dwell” Gothic was “was” Gothic núkta a(w)esa “passed the night” Greek *H2wos- goy “is, exists” Armenian aganim “spend the night” Armenian awt “night's rest” Armenian hues- “live” Hittite *H2us-ske/o- huski- “wait for, linger, procrastinate” Hittite vaohaiti “dwells” Avestan vásati “dwells, passes the night” Sanskrit wäs- “dwell” TokharianB weswe “trace” (< “what lingers after”) TokharianB HSED 117: *?i(w)- “be, become” iw “be” Egyptian (pyramids) *?i- West Chadic g?yi “become” Angas i- “be, become” Bolewa *?ya- “become” Central Chadic ye- “become” Gisiga Related to HSED 118: *?iw-/*?iy- “come”, cf. English become ~ come? Note that the original root seems to have a structure CV, i.e. *?i-. HSED 118: *?iw-/*?iy- “come” iy, iw “come” Egyptian *?ey- “come” Coptic i “come” Bohairian ey “come” Sahidic *iy- “go, come” Central Chadic iy “go, come” Masa ?i- “come” Bed *?i- “go” Lowland East Cushitic ?i?it- “go” Arbore Consonantal alternation of *w ~ *y. Cushitic data may indicate an earlier form of the root, namely, *?i-. IENH 460: *h[a|ë]w- “to put on, get dressed, wear” Proto-Nostratic > *h[e|a]w- , *hw-[e|o]s- “to put on, wear” Proto-IndoEuropean *h[a|ë]w- “to put on, get dressed, wear” Proto-AfroAsiatic EIEC *wes- “be dressed, dress” *wes(t)o “is dressed, wears” *wes-n(e)u- ennumi “get dressed” Greek z-genum “get dressed” Armenian wess- “be dressed” Hittite wass(a)- “be dressed” Luvian vaste “wear” Avestan váste “wear” Sanskrit wäs “be dressed” TokharianAB *woséyeti “dresses, clothes” verja “dress” Old Norse werian “dress” Old English wear English werian “dress” Old High German wasjan “dress” Gothic vesh “dress” Albanian wassezzi “dresses” Hittite PMA wahi- “place, space” Hawai'i wahi-noho- “dwelling, residence” wahi- “to cover, wrap” Tahiti, Marquesas bahay- “house” Philippines bahag- “g-string, covering” Philippines Back