*bhudh- “to fathom, awaken, understand”
PMA budh “to fathom, penetrate, awaken, understand” Sanskrit, also buddha “wise, enlightenened, awakenend” budhi “intellect” IENH 1: *b[a|ë]w- “to be or become aware of or acqainted with, to notice, to observe” Proto-Nostratic > *b(h)(e|o)w-d(h)- “to be or become aware of” Proto-IndoEuropean *b[a|e]w- “to be or become aware of” Proto-AfroAsiatic *bu-i (rare) “knowledge, learning” Sumerian SIG, IESSG *P-w- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic *bh-w- Proto-IndoEuropean phúo: trans. “let come, bring forth, produce” Greek phúomai “come (= descend) from, come forth (plants), is brought forth, become” Greek phutón, phuteúo:, phúsis Greek bháva-ti “is prepared, becomes, happens, occurs” Sanskrit bhávja- “future (adj.)” Sanskrit fore, futurus Latin extended with guttural *bh-w-A2- > *bhéwa-, toneless *bhú- in bhavi-s^yá-ti “will occur” Sanskrit bhavi-tum, bhavi-s^ya- “which will come, future (adj.)” Sanskrit bhu:-tá-, a-bhu:t Sanskrit ephu: Greek (Homer) bu: “abode” Old High German, Old English, Old Norse bhu:- “space, location, cosmos” Sanskrit bu:an “inhabit” Old High German bu:a “inhabit” Old Norse buj “sleep (overnight), inhabit” Albanian b-w-A- (b-w-'-) Semitic “come, occur, come true” Hebrew “let come” Hiph ba:'ha:-ye:d “the time will come” Hebrew iami:m ba:'i:m “days will come” Hebrew hab-ba:'o:d (plur.) “futura, things to come” Hebrew ba:'u (inf.) “to come” Assyrian bo:a (perf.) “enter” Ethiopian ba:'a (perf.) “came back, went back, withdrew to, rested, remained, matched, corresponded, was equal of” Arabic ( cf. ánu bhu: with acc. “be equal of” Sanskrit) II V “he abode, took a place of abode” Arabic IV “took back the camels to their nightly resting place; fled from” Arabic VI “became equal” Arabic ba:'atun “nightly resting-place of camels” Arabic The sense “returned, went back”, IV “fled” (related to the original sense as e.g. 'reverto' to 'verto' (= “become”)) may be compared to the extension *bh-w-g2- Proto-IndoEuropean (from *P-w-k2- “turn” Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic) bhug´á-ti “bends” Sanskrit bhugna- “bent” Sanskrit fugio Latin phugás Greek pheúgo: Greek extension *P.-w-K1- Proto-Indoeuropean-AfroAsiatic *b-w-s.- Proto-AfroAsiatic ba:s.a (perf.) “fled” Arabic *bh-w-gh- Proto-IndoEuropean pukh- “bend, fold” Greek biugan “bend” Gothic us-baugjan “turn inside out” Gothic G: -bá- “to be; to become” Proto-Bantu M: -bá- “be, become, dwell” Proto-Bantu IEW *bheudh-, nasal. *bhu-n-dh- “be awake, wake up, observe; be spiritually mature” bó:dhati “wakes up, awakens” Sanskrit baodhati “perceives” Avestan peúthomai “experience, perceive” Greek bodd “free will, consent” Welsh HKNH: puin “stem, root” Nordwestblockese in German bun id. Irish bon id. Welsh VMPSIE boto “wise, intelligent” Tonga budh “know” Sanskrit budî “sense, insight” Malay budhi “sense, insight” Sanskrit budha “knowing, wise, learned” Sanskrit PMA potu- “to know” Proto-Austronesian budhi?- “conscience” Tagalog bud-long “impulse” Tagalog buka- “to open” Philippines puk-awin, buk-awin- “to awaken, enlighten” Philippines pudno- “truth, reality” Ilocano pot-o- “wise, shrewd, wisdom, experience” Polynesian bota- “blessed, fortunate, lucky” Lau pudno- “to reveal, make known, truth” Bontok pokka “to talk, walk in sleep” Bontok pukaw- “awaken, arouse” Bikol, Bisayan poto- “wise, expert” Anutan PMA budhna “depth, bottom, base, lowest part, etc” Sanskrit SIG Alternating forms *p-w-t- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic with nasalisation púndax Greek *P.-w-t- Proto-IndoEuropean-Afroasiatic *bhud- Proto-IndoEuropean fundus (< *bhudno-) “bottom” Latin *but-no-, *but-ma- Germanic botn “bottom” Old Norse botm “bottom” Old English *P.-w-T.- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic *bhudh- Proto-IndoEuropean budhná- “bottom” Sanskrit puthmé:n “bottom, ground” Greek IEW *bhudh-m(e)n “bottom” > *bhudh-mo-, *bhudh-no- budhná-h “ground, bottom” Sanskrit puthmén (< *phuth-) “bottom (of a bowl)” Greek fundus “bottom of a bowl, ground” Latin bond “sole, foundation, support” Middle Irish bodam “bottom” Old High German VMPSIE: bhû “be” Sanskrit bhâvaya (caus.)“make (cause to be)” Sanskrit facio “make” Latin fiucca, fucca “make” Tongan faa “make” Tahiti waka “make” Maori fei “make” Tongan tai-fa “impossible, unable” bûat “make” Malay bhavat “being” Sanskrit bhûayat “making” Sanskrit PMA buk-al “spring, foundation” Philippines po'o- “pit, hole” Hawai'i poo-poo- “deep, hole” poko-poko- “deep” Manga. boto- “bottom” Maori ka-po'o- “to enter, sink” Hawai'i boto- “tail” Lau potu- “to go through opening, a puncture, perforation, the end of an object” Anutan potuaa- “end of a house” Anutan Back