*d-y-w- “divine, light”
PMA deva “god, spirit, demon, heavenly” Sanskrit dina “day” Sanskrit dinakara “sun” Sanskrit IENH 119 : *t'[a|ë]y- “to shine, gleam, be bright, glitter, glow, burn brightly” Proto-Nostratic > *t'[o|e|Ø]y- “to shine, be bright” Proto-IndoEuropean *ti:(y)- “to scorch, burn, roast; to shine brightly” Proto-Dravidian dé “to smelt” Sumerian dé, dè, dè-dal “ashes” Sumerian dè, di5 “glowing embers” Sumerian dè-dal-la “to torch” Sumerian di5 “to flare up, light up; to be radiant, shining; to sparkle, shine” Sumerian SIG, IESSG *D.-h- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic *d-y- (y < medial h) “shine, light” Proto-IndoEuropean *deyo-s Proto-IndoEuropean deus (pl. di:) “god” Latin extended *d-y-n- deina “day” Old Prussian denà “day” Lithuanian sin-teins “daily” Gothic sin-teino: “always” Gothic dína-m “day” Sanskrit dînî “day” Slavic nun-dinae “market day (novem + dies -> held every ninth day); traffic” Latin extended with g^: G.^ > Pre-IndoEuropean-Semitic k^ : g^ Proto-IndoEuropean *d-yk^- Proto-IndoEuropean deiknu:mi “sign, omen” Greek dae:sa “sign, omen” Avestan zeigo:n “point to, show” Old High German : *d-yg^- Proto-IndoEuropean taikns “sign” Gothic pro-digium “omen” Latin digitus Latin extended *d-y-d- (broken reduplication?) Proto-IndoEuropean teitr “bright” Old Norse extended *d-y-w- Proto-IndoEuropean whence *deiw- and *dyew- deivás (gen.) “of the sky” Sanskrit (Diós Greek) diva: (instr.) Sanskrit díva: (adv.) “by day” Sanskrit extended with a guttural (A2 or H) in *déyâ- Proto-IndoEuropean dé:a-tai- “shines” Greek déa-to “appeared” Greek and in *dyá- Proto-IndoEuropean Dia:na Latin akk. *dyâm, with circumflex from dyéA2om? Dãn Greek (Dorian) Ze~n Greek (Ionian) and reduced in *di-, toneless Proto-IndoEuropean di-ti- “shine, splendor” Sanskrit extended with -r- ti:r-r “splendor, gloris, honor” Old Norse ti:r “splendor, gloria, honor” Old English ti:r “splendor, gloria, honor” Old Saxon ti:r “light opening” Norwegian ablauted form *ti:r- whence the root syllable of ze:ri, ziari: “splendid, beautiful” Old High German ziere “splendid, beautiful” Middle High German to which the abstract fem. ziari Old High German ziere Middle High German Zier German extended with -l- perhaps in s.-h-l- “shine, make light” Hebrew (Hiph.) but uncertain, since s. is ambiguous extended with the frequent determinative -r- *D.-h-r- (= germ. tir-, ti:r-) Proto-AfroAsiatic z.ah.ara “it appeared, became apparent, manifest, plain > he mounted, went up, IV he made it apparent > he elevated, exalted” Arabic z.iha:ratun “what is uppermost and apparent to the eye (of a germent etc.)” Arabic z.a:hirun “appearing, apparent, manifest, conspicuous” Arabic z.ahi:ratun “the point of midday (in summer)” Arabic z.a:hiratun “the coming (of camels etc.) to the water at noon” Arabic z.uhrun “midday, noon” Arabic t.i:hâra: “noon” Jewish Aramaic t.ahrå: “noon” Syrian s.a:hêrayim “noon” Hebrew s.òhar Gen. 6, 16 “light opening” Hebrew s.-h-r “shine” Modern Hebrew EIEC *dei- “shine, be bright (primarily of the sky?)” teit-r “glad” Old Norse tæ:tan “gladden, cheer” Old English zeiz “delicate” Old High German déato “is seen” Greek déelos “visible” Greek dideti “shines, is bright” Sanskrit *dye(u)- “day” dia “day” Old Irish dydd “day” Welsh die:s “day” Latin zicolo- “day” Oscan endíos “at mid-day” Greek tiw “day” Armenian si:watt- “day” Hittite díva:- “during the day” Sanskrit divasá- “day” Sanskrit with n-infix : *de[i]no- “day” *dino- tre:denus “three-day period” Old Irish nundinae “the ninth (market) day” Latin dînî “day” Old Church Slavonian dina-m “day” Sanskrit *deino- sinteins “daily” Gothic deinan (acc.) “day” Old Prussian diena “day” Lithuanian dìena “day” Latvian *d(e)inye/o- gdhin “it dawns” Albanian with u-suffix : *deiwós “god” dia “god” Old Irish duiu-tir “divinity” Old Welsh deus “god” Latin Týr name of war god Old Norse ti:var (pl.) “gods” Old Norse Tiw name of war god Old English Tiwesdæg “Tuesday” Old English Zi:o name of war god Old High German deiw(a)s “god” Old Prussian die:vas “god” Lithuanian dievs “god” Latvian divû “demon” Old Church Slavonian sius “(sky) god” Hittite dae:va “demon” Avestan devá- “god” Sanskrit *diwyós di:us “divine” Latin dios “divine” Greek divyá- “heavenly” Sanskrit *dhéH1s (gen. *dhH1sós) “god” fe:riae “festival day” Latin fe:stus dies “of a holiday, festive, festival (day)” Latin *dhH1s-ó- theós “god” Greek théosphatos “spoken by god, ordained, divine” Greek *dhH1ses dik' (pl.) “gods” Armenian dhisá: “with impetuosity” Sanskrit *dhH1s-én- “endowed with supernatural force” *dhH1sno- > *fasnom fa:num “temple” (< *“consecrated place”) Latin fíísnam “temple” Umbrian dhisána epithet of various gods Sanskrit Dhisána name of a harmful demon Sanskrit dhísnya epithet of the Asvins Sanskrit Dhisána Brhaspati (god of devotion) Sanskrit disari evil female deity Kati däsäri female monster Ashkun IELL tin- “day” Etruscan HSED 615: *daf- “heat, sweat” *dVf- “warmth” Berber ddfa “warmth” Aksimen *daHVf- “sweat” West Chadic d.aafau “sweat” Ngizim *(mu)daf- “sweat” Central Chadic mu-d.ufa “sweat” Ngwahi ngu-dëfa “sweat” Glavda ngwu-d.ufa “sweat” Gava mu-tfu “sweat” Logone n-dafy “sweat” Kuseri Kuseri n- is assimilated from *mV- duf “sweat” Bed -u- < *a before a labial *dif “sweat” Agaw dif “sweat” Bilin Irregular vocalism *daff- “sweat” Highland East Cushitic daffa “sweat” Darasa *duf- “sweat” Omotic duf, duuf “sweat” Hamar -u- < *a before a labial Nostratica-L 32: tin “day, Jupiter” Etruscan de(n) “day” Nakh -n only recently lost in Chechen PMA dina- “day” Motu, Mekeo, Kuni, Doura dani, dangi, etc.- “day” Arosi, Sau, Saa, Kwaio, Ulawa dina hari- “daybreak” Malay dina- “sun” Motu, Proto-Central Papuan diwa- “god, spirit, self, idea, sense” Proto-Austronesian diwata- “god, spirit” Proto-Philippine dewuta- “sun” Selepet dewuta- “moon” E. Huon davi- “sun” Alite du- “sun” Nengone do- “sun” Papuan do- “devil” Ambrym dua- “body, self, spirit” Lao ma-a-dua- “God” Kapingamarangi a-dia- “soul” Nabaloi tua- “body or spirit of animal” Dioi do- “body, spirit” Kam-Sui tuan, tuwan- “deity” Malay, Indonesia Tuhan- “Supreme God” Philippines (Badjao) tua- “deity, spirit, image, idol, corpse”, (a variant of a-tua) common Polynesia, also kua and akua; tuai- “spirit, god, demon” Efate jiwa- “deity, spirit” Proto-Austronesian diu- “to exalt, beyond” Arosi, Wango, Lau kwi- “demon” Vietnamese Back