*k-m-t- “shine, moon”
PMA chandra “moon” Sanskrit, also chando “moon” Prakrit SIG, IESSG, VISW *k-m-t- pre-IndoEuropean-Semitic *kemd- > Proto-IndoEuropean *kend- Proto-IndoEuropean c^and- “shine” Sanskrit c^andrá- “shining; moon” Sanskrit *cando: Latin candeo: “shine, gleam” Latin cande:la “candle” Latin ac-cendo: “kindle, set on fire” Latin in-cendo: “set fire to, burn” Latin ci-cinde:la “glowworm; oil lamp” Latin with s-preformative *skend- Proto-IndoEuropean s´c^and- “shine” Sanskrit *X2-m-t.- Proto-AfroAsiatic Xama:t.u “light, shine, be aflame” Assyrian whence Xamt.u > Xant.u “firey, aflame” Assyrian Ximt.u, Ximit. urri “the gleam of the light” Assyrian Ximit. stat. constr. “fiery shining” Assyrian Ximt.itu “fire, flame” Assyrian EIEC *(s)kand- “shine, glitter (particularly of the moon)” candeo: “glitter, shine” Latin candidus “shining white” Latin incendere “kindle” Latin c^ándati “shines, is bright” Sanskrit c^andrá / sc^andrá “shining; moon” *(s)kend- “moon” *kend- cann “full moon” Middle Breton cann “brilliant” Welsh *skondna: ha:në “moon” Albanian (Gheg) hë:në “moon” Albanian (Tosk) candrá-ma:s “the moon (god)” Sanskrit candru “moon” Sindhi VMPSIE cand- “shine, gleam” Sanskrit candra “moon” Sanskrit canda “moon” Sanskrit cann “full moon” Old Irish candeo “shine, gleam” Latin candela “candle” Latin canus “white, grey” Latin caneo “be/become covered in white” Latin ma-hina “moon” Tonga hina-hina “white” Tonga PMA ninda chando- “moon” Kherwari, Santali chando- “moon” Mundari kan-che- “moon” Ang-Ki kan-kye- “moon” Mong-Lwe g'che- “moon” Sakai k'che- “moon” Semang gatu, k'tau- “moon” Talaing che- “moon” Wai k'e- “moon” Khmer gamnga- “moon” Kapau kulukum- “moon” Rerau kulogom- “moon” Jilim kagam- “moon” Bongu kine- “moon” Asabe kalam- “moon” Rempi, Mugil kakam- “moon” Male kenuk- “moon” Yupna kugu- “moon” Savosavo kua- “moon” Lavukaleve kamgu- “sun” Silo kana- “moon” Tsaga kamgo- “sun” Ngowugar kangu- “moon” Danara The form, chandra, may be a result of an attempt to make the Prakrit, chando, look more like Chandasi. The root ka- has been postulated in Austric and other Oceanic languages to denote the sky and is found in words for the sun, moon and stars. Possibly among the Austrics of India cha- > ka-. TP: The -r- of Sanskrit is particular to that language and not found in other Indo-European languages Back