*t-n- “stretch”
PMA tanu “body” Sanskrit* tana “offspring” Sanskrit IENH 106 : *t[h][a|ë]ny- “to extend, spread, stretch” Proto-Nostratic > *t[h](e|o)ny- “to ectend, spread, stretch” Proto-IndoEuropean *t[h]ën-ú-s “thin” Proto-IndoEuropean *t[h]en-k[h]- “to stretch, to extend” Proto-IndoEuropean *t[h]en-p[h]- [through assimilation] > *t[h]em-p[h]- “to stretch” Proto-IndoEuropean *t[h]on-k'- “to think, feel” Proto-IndoEuropean *t[h][a|ë]n- “to extend, spread, stretch, endure” Proto-AfroAsiatic *tan- “to increase, thrive, abound” Proto-Dravidian ?tani- “to know, learn” Classical Mongolian, Altaic VISW *t-n- or alternative *d-n- Indo-European *t-n- “stretch” teíno (< *tenio) “span, extend” Greek teno:n “sinew” Greek tanó-ti “extends, spans, stretches” Sanskrit thenja “extend” Old Norse denen “extend” Old High German teneo “hold” Latin tetini “held” Old Latin *t-n- + determinative > eller *t-t-n- > *t-dn- , metathesis > *t-nd- tendo “extend” Latin AfroAsiatic *t-n- semantic development as Latin por-rigo, German reichen > “offer”, “extend your hand” with n-preformative n-t-n “give” Hebrew, Old Aramaic na:than Hebrew perf. n > l nethal Syriac, Judeo-Aramaic with w-preformative y-t-n- “give” Phoenician + -i hithna: “give, spend” Hebr.Hiph. EIEC *ten- “stretch” *ten-do- tendo: “stretch” Latin thenja “stretch out” Old Norse thenian “stretch” Old English den(n)en “stretch out” Old High German uf-thanjan “stretch out” Gothic tìnti “swell” Lithuanian tit “wind, roll up” Latvian *H1en-ten(y)e/o- ndej / nder “extend, spread, stretch” Albanian tanúo: “stretch” Greek pairi-tanuya- “wish to keep a way” Avestan tanóti “expands, extends” Sanskrit *ténus (gen. *tnóus) “thin, long” *tanuw(y)o- tanae “thin” Old Irish tenau “thin” Welsh tenuis “thin, fine” Latin thunn-r “thin” Old Norse thynne “thin, lean, not dense” Old English thin English dunni “thin” Old High German tévas “thin, slim” Lithuanian tie:vs “slender” Latvian tînûkû “slender, thin” Old Church Slavonian tana(w)ós “long, elongated” Greek tanú-thriks “long-haired, shaggy” Greek tanuk “thin, weak” Middle Persian tanú- “thin, slender, small” Sanskrit tánuka- “thin, slender, small” Sanskrit tanu:- “body” Avestan tanú:- “body” Sanskrit tánutai “is stretched” Greek tanóti / tanete “expands, extends, endures” Sanskrit *ten-g- “think, feel” tonge:o “know” Latin thokk “gratitude, reward, joy” Old Norse thakka “thank” Old Norse thekkja “notice” Old Norse thanc “thanks, favor” Old English thank English thancian “thank” Old English to thank English thencan “think” Old English to think English dank “thanks, favor” Old High German danko:n “thank” Old High German denkan “think” Old High German dunken / dunchen “seem” Old High German thank-s “grace” Gothic thankjan “think, plan” Gothic thunkjan “please” Gothic tëngë “resentment, grudge” Albanian tunk “love” TokharianA tankw “love” TokharianB cänk- “please” TokharianB cancare / cincare “lovely, agreeable, charming, delightful” TokharianB *temp- (< *ten-p-) “stretch” tempus “time” Latin thamb-r “thick, swollen” Old Norse tempti “stretch out, pull out” Lithuanian timpa “sinew” Lithuanian tõpû “thick” Old Church Slavonian t'amp “saddle” Armenian tampe “power” TokharianA cämp- “be able to” (?) TokharianAB *teng(h)- “pull” *tenghs-mon- te:mo: “chariot pole” Latin *thenslo: thi:sl “wagon-pole, shaft” Old Norse thi:xl “wagon-pole, shaft” Old English di:hsila “wagon-pole, shaft” Old High German ras-tegõ “pull apart” Old Church Slavonian thang- (th unexpected) “pull” Avestan *ten-s- “pull” dinsan “pull” Old High German at-thinsa “pull” Gothic te:sti “stretch, pull” Lithuanian tamsayati “draws to and fro” Sanskrit VMPSIE: tutúe “thin” Tongan tanu “thin” Sanskrit tenuis “thin, fine, small” Latin dünn “thin” German totónu “manifest, clear, evident” Tongan ton, tintan. “see” Javanese, Malay totónu “straight, even, in a row” Tongan tan “extend” Sanskrit tati “row, line” Sanskrit tanu “body” Sanskrit tanus “body” Sanskrit tena “body” Madagascar kino “body” Hawaii tínana “human torso, tree trunk” Maori c^ino “human torso, tree trunk” Tongan c^i “small” (< “thin”) Tongan tini “many” (< “small”) Maori tini tini “very many” Maori tanula “extended” Sanskrit SBTIE (p. 209) 7: ten-uis Latin t`ãi~n, “thin” Bushman NS 181: *t'anV, *t'angV “stretch, extend” Proto-Nostratic *tan, (~ d-) id. Sino-Tibetan PMA tene Nengone tuna Gao hana Ngad'a zana Malagasy tane “humankind” Polynesia kane “humankind” Hawai'i tino “body” Anutan, Tahiti, Nanumea tinana “body” Maori tena “body” Malagasy kino “body” Hawai'i taw “body” Proto-Austronesian dai “body” Waropen tani “body” Tarfia tanun “person” Mota, Meralava tinoni- “man” Vaturana, Florida, Duke of York tane- “man, mankind” Aniwa, Futuna, Fila tanun- “mankind” Bank's Is. kane- “man, mankind” Hawai'i jame- “man, male” Ekagi, Kaupaku *Atman and tanu are used as substitutes for the old reflexive pronouns in the Indic languages. Back