This is our page for our first air cannon, we'll call it version 1.1. This was a very great success, especially considering it was my first delve into this area. I have listed it's pro's and con's up above, as I will do with all our cannons.
The pattern you see in the picture is 60 rounds, yes SIXTY rounds, shot at my old chicken coup (not occupied you sicko) from fifteen yards. I would call that a very impressive pattern, and all rounds broke. This was only at 80psi.
This cannon has been put out of commission sadly. One of the less moral, less talented, less...IQ gifted players we know threw it against a tree after shooting a box of Chex mix ( and you don't steal a man's paintball snacks! You just don't! ) through it, all of this while we were playing a game and he was sent back to the deadbox. I guess maybe he was jelous. Or a loser. Whatever. 1.1 is no more. However, it's cousins, C02 1.1 are virtually indestructible.