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Box Turtles

Box Turtles are also very common in New Jersey. We assume. There is a controversy, that is, over the breeding status of the Eastern Box Turtle. Many are found every year, but seldom young ones in years of late. Seeing as the Box Turtles can live as much as 60 - 100 years, we cannot assume that finding adults means the population is healthy. On any note, these are a very distinct turtle. They bear a brown shell with yellow lines marking the carapace. The plastron is hinged in front and the turtle can withdraw its head and close this hinge to completely conceal its front end. These turtles love to come out from under the leaves and sit on a rock on a warm, rainy day to heat up and get themselves necessary water. Unless spotted on a rock or log, box turtles are exellently camoflouged to fallen autumn leaves and are a near impossibility to find. These turtles shy away from actually swimming, but will sometimes take a dip in puddles or small streams to cool down. They eat berries, worms, and other forest floor forage.