Pretty much the reason this site exists. Quite frankly, the comic industry isn't what it used to be. It's harder than hell to get into, even on a smaller level, and unless you have a lot of money like the CrossGen people, then it's pretty much a total uphill struggle to try and self publish, because it's hard to get noticed. (Now of course, even if you DO have the money, it's still an uphill struggle.)
Though the comics you see here right now are in full color, most of the future comics will be in black and white. Why Black and White? Simple. Preference. I've always loved B&W comics and online or not, it hasn't changed at all. That plus I know there are others like me who actually prefer to print out the pages and read them that way as opposed to killing thier eyes and reading it on a monitor. And since most people have B&W printer... Well, you get the idea.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your reading. Feedback is always welcomed.