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The Story Of Diya

Jewish terrorists murder Three Palestinians near al Khalil

Al-Khalil- Thousands of people participated today in the funeral of three Palestinians murdered by Jewish terrorists last night.
One of those murdered was 3- month old baby. The Palestinians who are mostly from the same family were traveling on a mini-bus near the village of Ethna 20 Kilometers from west of Al-Khalil when Jewish terrorists intercepted their vehicle car head-on and riddled the car with machinegun fire, killing the three.
The victims were identified as the baby Diya Aldin Itmezi (3months), Muhammed Salameh Itmezi, 23, and Muhammed Helmi Itmezi, 22. 17 others were enjured.
Eyewitnesses said the settler car sped away in the direction of the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba'a.
Palestinians believe that settlers carry out these attacks in coordination with the army which protects them and all the Palestinian military organizations have warned that there will be reprisals for the massacre.
The spokesman for the Aqsa Brigades said: “I promise our people that the blood of our martyrs will not be in vain” and that the reprisal “will very soon, and tougher than they can imagine”.

The mother (2ndL) of slain three-month-old Palestinian baby Diya Tmeizi holds her infant for the last time before he is buried July 20, 2001 in the West Bank village Ithna. (REUTERS/Reinhard Krause)