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Foreign Dreams/Visions/Prophecies for America

Following are EXCERPTS of the dreams/visions/prophecies which persecuted and exiled Romanian pastor Dumitru Duduman received and recorded (those with capitalized titles make direct mention of AMERICA/AMERICANS). Dumitru's testimony "Through the Fire Without Burning" and "Wake up America!" tracts (free) and video can be ordered at Full texts of the following dreams/visions/prophecies are available at Wake Up America!:

AMERICA WILL BURN - September 1984		The Black Army - May 7, 1993
Why did God name America MYSTERY BABYLON? The Morning Sun - June 19, 1993
ANGEL ON A RED HORSE - February 19, 1989 A CALL TO WAR - September 1993
THE STAR - December 5, 1989 I WILL SPEAK TO THEM - January 1994
Return to Romania - January 1990 Fire in the Heavens - January 3, 1994
Bird on the Plane - April 1990 The Savior Returns as Judge - Jan.1994
The Camp of God - June 6,1990 LETTERS TO THE CHURCHES - March 1994
Clouds in the Skies - 1991 THE THREE SCROLLS - July 1, 1994
WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN? - 1991 AWAKEN MY PEOPLE - November 21 1994
Fear Me and Draw Closer - March 1991 THE BEAST STRIKES - January 2l, 1995
A FLICKER OF LIGHT - May 1991 ISRAEL AND AMERICA - November 22, 1995
A PEACEFUL HEART - July 4, 1991 ONE PAGE REMAINS - January 1996
AMERICA THE FALLING STAR - Jan.23, 1992 The Future of Israel - 1996
Man Holding the Moon - June 3, 1992 MAYBE THREE YEARS - November 29, 1996
A REVELATION - November 8, 1992 A DREAM - March 29, 1997
THE BLACK BIRD - December 12, 1992 A GREAT BEAR - 1997
When Christ Returns - January 1993 The Hand that Wrote in the Sky - Mar. 5, 1993
Vision Received - April 12, 1997 DREAM RECEIVED - April 1997
It was not a dream (Dumitru's daughter Virginia Boldea) - April 1997
A VISION (Dumitru’s grandson Michael Duduman Boldea) – November 1999
The Day of the Lord's Wrath Approaches (Virginia Boldea) - January 12, 2000

AMERICA WILL BURN -- September 1984
...I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison... "I brought you to this country because this country will burn."...He showed me all of CALIFORNIA ["Its sin has reached the Holy One"]...LAS VEGAS ...the state of NEW YORK...all of FLORIDA..."This is Sodom and Gomorrah!... In one day it will burn." Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "All of this I have shown you - IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN!"
I said, "What will you do with the Church?" He said, "I want to save the Church, but the churches have forsaken me."
I said, "How did they forsake you?"
He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches; and all other sins that are possible. Because of the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a LOUD voice that they must put an END to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw CLOSE to the Lord, and live a CLEAN life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a NEW life as the BIBLE tells them to live."
..."Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you."
I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here."
He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches, and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"
I said, "How will America burn? America is the most powerful country in this world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you at least let us die where ALL the Dudumans have died?"
He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The RUSSIAN spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from CUBA, NICARAGUA, MEXICO..." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.)..."they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!"
"What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?" I asked.
He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lion's den, is the same way I will save them."
The angel of the Lord also told me, "I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn't want to thank God for the blessings they received in this country."
"Israel doesn't want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people in America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise CHINA, JAPAN and other nations to go against the RUSSIANS. They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of PARIS. Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leaders. They will then unite against Israel."
"When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. THEN, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and He will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time the battle of Armageddon will be fought."
When I heard all of this I said, "If you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in the Bible."
He said, "Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8-15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth. After His victory," the angel said, "there will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be no need for light. The Lamb of God will be the Light. There will he no sickness, nor tears, and no deaths. There will only be eternal joy and God will be the ruler. There will be only one language. Only one song. And no need for a translator!"
"And, Dumitru," he continued, "a word of warning. If you keep anything from the American people that you are told, I will punish you severely."
"How will I know that this is for real - that it will really happen?" I asked.
"As a sign that I have spoken to you, tomorrow before you wake I will send someone to bring you a bed, and at noon I will send you a car and a bucket of honey. After which, I will send someone to pay your rent." Then the angel left. (details in chapter 1O of "Through the Fire Without Burning")

Why did God name America MYSTERY BABYLON? -- 1984
"Tell them, because all the nations of the world immigrated to America with their own gods and were not stopped. Encouraged by the freedom here, the wickedness began to increase. Later on, even though America was established as a Christian nation, the American people began to follow the strange gods that the immigrants had brought in, and also turned their backs on the God who had built and prospered this country."

ANGEL ON A RED HORSE -- Feb. 19, 1989
"Why is your heart so sad because many people don't accept the message? People are happy because there is peace here, but in a short while it will change into war!! I am sent to take peace off the earth." (Revelation 6:3-4) The angel went on, "In some places, wars will start. People will raise their swords against one another." You see, some people," said the angel, "don't want to believe the truth or the things that will happen. ONLY THE ONES WHO'S NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE WILL LISTEN AND REPENT! ..."The days are numbered, and what I have told you will happen."

...Flames were erupting out of the ground, so I began to scream, "Get out of the house and climb up the mountain so you won't burn! America is burning!" Running out of the house, they screamed, "Save us, Jesus!" Confused, I saw the two men dressed in white appearing again. One of them said, "See what I have shown you? This is how it will happen. The mountain that you see before you is Jesus Christ. Those who live a holy life will be saved. When the attack comes and the country burns, only those who's names are written in the Book of Life will be saved. Remember to tell everybody what I have shown you."

As we continued to pray, asking the Lord when these things would happen to AMERICA, I had a message from God telling me, "Don't be afraid. First, there will be a revolution in Romania, and then the troubles will come upon AMERICA. However, things will get better in Romania before anything happens to this country."
As we continued to pray, asking the Lord when these things would happen to AMERICA, I had a message from God telling me, "Don't be afraid. First, there will be a revolution in Romania, and then the troubles will come upon AMERICA.
However, things will get better in Romania before anything happens to THIS COUNTRY [to America]." [The first part of this prophetic message was apparently fulfilled as follows:
12/15/89: Romanian uprising (revolution) overthrows Communist government.
12/25/89: Romanian President Nicolae Ceaucescu and his wife executed.

THE STAR -- Dec. 5, 1989
[After seeing a very big star rapidly fall to the ground with great speed] "Do you see this star? It represents AMERICA. This is how fast the fall of AMERICA will be! As fast as that star fell!" Then the voice said, "I love the Christians in this country because of all the good deeds they have done, and for the help they have given those in need. I blessed this country so other people would be fed from it." The voice also said, "There will be a time of preparation for the people. The ones who need to repent should do it now, before it is too late. The time without trouble will last until the total number of the chosen is fulfilled." (Obadiah 1:4)

Return to Romania -- Jan. 1990
..."Do not cease to tell My people to repent, for a short time will pass, then I will start judging the ones who now dishonor and disobey Me."

The Camp of God -- June 6, 1990
...He [the angel] then showed me a very big tent. Through the crack of the door I saw a very bright light. It was so powerful that I couldn't look at it straight. Through the lightning I heard a voice that said, "Behold, this is the camp of God, in which sit the chosen ones."
When I looked through the light of the tent I saw Christ. Than I heard a voice say, "These are all my redeemed which are on the earth who have a CLEAN life and who are WASHED in my BLOOD."
After that I heard a loud clap of thunder...
Revelation 21:3, "And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, `Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God.'"

WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN -- 1991 (Complete Prophecy)
So many people were asking, "When will it happen? When Will America burn?" I prayed and asked God, "What will I tell people when they ask me when it will happen?" That night an angel came and touched me on the hand and said, "Dumitru, wake up! Sit up! Get your Bible and read Hosea 4:6-9 and Hosea 6:1-3."
"Tell the people of AMERICA that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. If they will repent and turn back to God, they will make it through the second day to the third day. If they don't, they will not make it."
II Peter 3:8, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

Clouds in the Skies -- 1991
...Be prepared. When these pages [of the Book of the Gentiles] are filled, The Grace will leave the gentiles. Draw closer to me now, more than ever - and be holy, because hard times are coming."

Fear Me and Draw Closer -- March 1991
...The scroll read: "Do not cease to tell people to fear me and draw closer to me..."Everything I have shown you, and told you are things that happened, are happening, and will happen. Do not forget to tell everyone to worship God with all their heart."

[After the LORD showed a vision of a black cloud approaching, followed by the stench of nuclear fallout...] "Do not be quiet. Tell the people that time is very short, and the trouble WILL come onto the earth. I will still allow a time for the souls of those that I want to save. Tell the people that I am a jealous God, and I want them all for me. Tell them to pray more and worship me with all their hearts in holiness, and cleanliness."

A PEACEFUL HEART -- July 4, 1991 (Complete Prophecy)
On the morning of July 4, 1991, I was counseled by the Holy Spirit who told me this: "What I ask of my people is to keep peace in their hearts. I do allow trials to come over them. This is to keep them humble. Do not wait, but try to get closer to God. For hard days are at hand when a powerful darkness will set over THIS COUNTRY. Wickedness and sin have reached their end, and the Almighty and Righteous One will take revenge on the sin. Be holy, and draw near the Lord with your life and a clean heart - with fasting and praying - so I can spare you in the days of trouble. The day of the Holy One's terrible wrath is getting close, and everyone will receive their just reward; for God is a righteous judge. Do not be lazy, but come before me on your knees more often."
Afterwards, the Spirit of God encouraged me, telling me to be strengthened because my fight will get harder still, but God will make me more than victorious over everything.

...One of them [two heavenly beings/angels] had a book and the other had an ink well attached to his belt, and a large pen in his hand. There was an eraser on one end...He opened the back of the book and counted out 4 remaining blank pages at the end. "When these are filled," he said, "the book of the Gentiles will be complete. Then I will return to my people. Some of the names that are listed here will be erased. I will erase the names of those who have mocked God and tested the Spirit of Grace. I will replace them with other names."

[After seeing a star with crooked tips fall to the ground and explode after being fired upon by eight men in a chariot of eight horses, a man dressed in white appeared and said,] "The star represents AMERICA. The reason the tips are crooked, is because AMERICA has fallen away from the Truth, and the Way of God. The eight horses, and the men in the chariot, represent eight kings that will rise up against AMERICA and will overcome her."
...That same morning, during my prayer time, I saw a red flag with light blue and white in the left corner. It was bleeding...In March of 1996 I was reading this vision and asked the Lord what the red flag meant. A few minutes later I was checking an Internet news site and pulled up a story about the Taiwanese election. There in front of me was a picture of a red flag with a white star on a blue field in the left corner. The news story was about how communist China was trying to intimidate Taiwan and how the USA intervened with two aircraft carrier groups. Taiwan went on to elect an anti-communist president and mainland China lost face before the world. The Chinese Communists are not likely to forget that incident.

Man Holding the Moon -- June 3, 1992
...A voice told me, "Start fishing now, because the time is very short. Soon there will be no more opportunity to fish..."Look how many fish are before you." When I looked down I saw many more fish than before. The man said the second time, "Catch them now. Fish now. Fish while you can. For in a short time the fishing shall be over."

A REVELATION -- Nov. 8, 1992 (Complete Prophecy)
"Dark days and days of sadness are soon coming," says the Lord. "Not long will pass and the One who is to come will come and He will not tarry. The days are coming when the kings of the earth will wail loudly. The evil that you see being allowed over Romania is because the people, in their greed, have become corrupt. They have started to practice wickedness and they are proud. Even some of My people whom I have chosen have given in to sinful things believing that they are fighting only for themselves. This is why I the Lord have allowed, and do allow the hardships. Do not be astonished by what you see, for the poverty and hunger will grow. The hardships will be even greater. But it will not be allowed for long because the prayers of the hungry children have reached Me."
"Everything is prepared for the killing, the battles and the crimes. The plunders and the troubles are close and shall come to pass in a short time. After all this, things will change in such a way that you did not think possible. Those that are haughty, I the Lord will humble. You will receive with the same cup that you give - if you are poor or if you are a king. God is no respecter of persons. After all these things [i.e. hardships] happen in Romania, the evil will turn toward the country that you now live in."(USA) "Tell my people to be prepared and be careful," says the Lord, "for everything I have decided will happen. Do not say in your hearts that the Lord has said many things that have not happened yet because all things are decided by Me and everything has it's appointed time. Draw closer to the Lord your God and cease doing evil things that I may give you victory. I the Lord will work in ways that you cannot even imagine, but be holy."
"The sin of the GREAT WHORE has spread throughout the world. The stench of her sin has reached me and it will not be long until I will raise the whole ARAB world, the RUSSIANS and other countries against her, that they may destroy her."

THE BLACK BIRD -- December 12, 1992
...a black bird, of a gigantic size, suddenly appeared...something was written on the wings. It said, "Power has been given to me to be able to come against the Christians in a short time."
On the beak of the bird was written, "I want to make war against the true Christians - those that serve God with their hearts, their lives, and their actions not only in name. We'll see if they will be able to stand up against me... We'll see... I am a warrior. I fight against Christ...It will not be long before I will declare war against the Christians. I myself will fight with all my strength."
A lightning bolt hit the bird and it fell to the earth. To me it seemed dead...As I was looking at it, it raised it's head and said, "Do you really think I'm dead? I just played dead because I did not want Christ to be mad at me. In a short time, though, I will be allowed to fight against the Christians in THIS COUNTRY." Then it shot up like an arrow, and circled over me once. It dropped a letter, that was written in English. I gave the letter to my daughter to read. It said, "I was given power on earth to fight against all those that serve and do the work of God. I have succeeded in destroying some, and others I have taken prisoner. In a short time I will be allowed to fight against you, and others like you. -Lucifer."

The Hand that Wrote on the Sky -- March 5, 1993
...As I looked at the sky, I saw the head and hand of a man. As I continued to look I saw the hand beginning to write: "Tell the people not to believe that the things I have said are fairy tales and untruths. The day of terror is fast approaching: it is close. I will not let one word that I have said go undone."
As I was reading what the hand had written, two men dressed in white suddenly appeared. They positioned themselves on each side of the head and hand. One of the men began to speak. "Tell the people to prepare, for the day of terror will soon be upon them. I will have mercy on those who today obey me: those that depart from sin and draw closer to me. I will give victory to those that will obey today."

The Black Army -- May 7, 1993
Lucifer continued to speak. "All of those that want to fight against my army and think they can be victorious; go to the right. Those that fear me; go to the left."
Only about a quarter of the group stepped to the right. All the others went to the left. Then Lucifer ordered his army, "Destroy those on the right!" The army began to advance and quickly surrounded the Christians on the right. As they began to close in on us, a powerful light appeared and encircled us. Then, an angel of the Lord spoke. "Take out your swords and fight. Defend yourselves and be victorious over the enemy."
"What swords?" A man in the group asked. "The Word of the Lord is your sword," the angel answered. When we understood what the angel meant, we began to quote verses from the Bible. Then suddenly, as if we were one voice, we began to sing a song. Our voices thundered so loudly, that the Dark army began to retreat in fear. They did not have the courage to come against us anymore.
Lucifer, then filled with rage, turned to those on the left. "You, who all of your life have been trying to please two masters, because you could not stand against me; I have the power to destroy you." He then ordered his army to attack. It was a total massacre. The ones on the left could not defend themselves. One by one they all fell. This killing seemed to go on for a long time. After a while we could actually smell the stench of the dead.
"Why could they not be protected also?" someone asked.
The angel answered: "Because all their life they have been LUKEWARM. Because of their hypocrisy, the true church has been blasphemed. They have brought disrespect to the word of God. They were not clean."
As we continued to look, we saw the sun coming over the horizon. The black clouds began to break up. Then they disappeared. Only one was left - on which Lucifer and his army stood...The first thought that came to my mind as I awoke was that this had been the last fight of the devil against the church. If we remain faithful, we will be victorious.

The Morning Sun -- June 19, 1993
...A very great number of angels were singing around the sun. There was a very narrow strand of light coming from the sun, all the way down to earth.
All of the angels began to sing with their trumpets. When they began to sing by mouth, the words to the song were: "My people, wake up! Do not tarry! Do not wait! The time is very short! Until now many have traveled on the wide path, but now you must travel on the narrow path that you may be saved. This is the final battle of the devil. Wake up! Wake up! Now the enemy is making war against all the children of God! It is the final battle! Many have been taken prisoner, but you must be strong."
..."Why are you discouraged and sad? Do not lose your faith. I will repay all your work and suffering...As I looked behind me, I saw not only my family, but many other people. All were dressed in white robes, and were walking toward the narrow strand of light. "This is the way toward salvation," the angel said. "The sun that you see is Christ, The Morning Sun that will shine so brightly, all the world will see Him."

A CALL TO WAR -- September 1993 (Complete Prophecy)
"Cease heading the way you have been going and turn to me," says the Lord. "Lucifer, who is armed for war on his horse, is coming with a powerful army behind him to take vengeance against the children of God. The day is close: a day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life! A day of pain and terror is near."
"If you could see what is being prepared and what will happen, you would surely quit doing everything you know in your heart to be wrong, and would seek peace more than ever. Be prepared, be holy, and don't give in to the temptations and impulses of the enemy. Seek the Lord your God with all your heart. Those who will be clean, those who will be holy, I will not forget. I will save them," says the Lord. "The armies of the devil are coming with great fury against those who worship Me, and truly seek Me. Pray that I may give you strength, so that before the storm comes I may save you and give you the joy."
"Those that live in defilement, that meditate upon evil things, will have no escape. They will not have My protection. I will destroy BABYLON," says the Lord, "because of the wickedness and blasphemy of THIS COUNTRY. Not only here, but wherever there is sin, I will punish it harshly. Only the righteous will I save; some even out of the midst of the fire."
"Again I tell you, a dark cloud is gathered. Lucifer, standing on his black horse, is ready for war. The trumpets of the devil are sounding day and night, to all the demons of the deep to be prepared to make war against those who truly live their lives for God. There will be such great turmoil that only few will escape. Those that today only carry the name of "believer" will fight with fury against those who worship Me with a clean heart. This is why I have revealed this to you. Because the days are numbered."
"I reveal to you, I speak to you, I show to you," says the Lord, "but many do not want to remember, saying to themselves, 'Is it truly the Lord speaking this?' Others become scared for the moment, but then they forget and never become pure. Many of those who carry the name of 'Christian' are overcome by greed, fornication, drunkenness, and a pursuit for great wealth. There is no time to lose. The day of destruction and terror is coming soon. The devil is agitated, and a GREAT DECEPTION is being prepared. But I tell you, do not fear. I have the power to protect those who obey me. You must remember the word of God, for if you will not obey, the day of terror will come and you will suffer together with the wicked and defiled. I will punish all the wickedness of this world, and all the sin of this place. Be awake and waiting, because if you will not, you will be punished as the wicked, and also lose your salvation for your disobedience. DISOBEDIENCE is punished more than anything," says the Holy Spirit. "PRAY for your children, and stop them from doing worldly things. Tell them that the wrath of God is coming, and that they must be prepared for that day. Tell them to read the Bible and pray, that I may also save them."
"The great day, the day of terror, the day of affliction, of pain; the day of the punishment of BABYLON, prophesied in the Bible, is soon coming, and I will only spare the righteous," says the Lord. "I forgive who I want, I make holy who I want, and I prepare who I want. Judge no one, for Mine is the judgment," says the Lord. "Each of you judge yourself. Pray and draw close to me, and if you will obey I will come to your aid. I will send a chariot of salvation and take each one out in his appointed time."

BOOK OF THE GENTILES -- Nov. 7, 1993
...I opened the first book and I was told, "This is the Book of Life." The man on my left said, "Whoever finds his name in this book will be saved!" Then He said, "Open the second book!" The words "Book of the Gentiles" was scrawled on the second book. Then, I began to turn page after page, upon which I saw all kinds of different names written, and so, I reached the end of the book, where I found that there were one, and three quarter pages left blank, unwritten. Then, one of the two men said to me, "When the total number of the gentiles is completed, the writing in this book will be finished. At that time, what I have shown you will happen; then the BEAST will try to do battle against the Holy. Remember what I tell you - be prepared, live a HOLY life, and do not think that you have much time to live on this earth! Jesus is soon returning!
Then, I began to hear a choir singing, "Jesus is returning, Jesus is returning, be prepared, and be holy, be ready, for the victory shall be His!" When I looked, there was a choir of angels which sang, and their voice echoed stronger, and stronger, "Jesus is returning!...Jesus the Savior, wants to save the people, but not those who have blasphemed, and cursed Him. Only those that have lived a clean life, and have fought for Jesus, without holding on to this life, but giving it all to Christ..."Jesus is returning, wake up, people; be holy, for your salvation is Jesus. He is victorious!"

EXAMINE YOUR HEART -- December 9, 1993 (Complete Prophecy)
"Many are those who sit neglectful loving the world and the things of the world. Many seek the life of the earth, but they do not prepare themselves to meet the Holy One. Jesus is coming! Do not be lazy! Terror and great pain is coming upon the earth. The devil will take upon himself power, and he will attempt to make war with the holy. But Christ the victorious one will come and will save His people. Proud men; all those who pretend to be teachers, yet never living the life; all those who say they worship Me, yet their hearts are far from Me," says the Lord, "I will make them part of the suffering, torment, and terror so they will call upon Me. But I will not answer. Those that today humble themselves and seek Me with a clean heart, in that day, the hard day, will be glad and will rejoice.
The power of the DEVIL will increase greatly in THIS COUNTRY, and many Christians will fall in it's chains, because they have dishonored Me with their lives - in their pride, their arrogance and their vanity; thinking they are holy and worshiping me, yet NEVER REALLY worshiping Me."
"The winds and the storms that will begin against the Christians in this country will take many. Those who remain standing will be very few. Humble yourselves. Be holy. Seek Me more than ever, kneeling before Me often, that in the hard days I may save you," says the Lord.

" won't be much longer before you will leave these places, because only in this way can I protect you!" Surprised by what I had just heard, I asked, "Lord! But there are so many in THIS COUNTRY who love you - who have devoted their lives to worshiping you - what will you do with them?"
"At the appointed time," he said, "I will speak to them, like I speak to you, as to what they must do."

Fire in the Heavens -- Jan. 3, 1994
..."This is the last warning," the trumpet blew, "The day of God's vengeance is coming upon the earth and upon this place! Be prepared and be holy, My people, that I may save you!"

The Savior Returns as Judge -- Jan. 24, 1994
"I am Jesus Christ who gave my life for you. Many of those whom I gave my life for, today dishonor me, living in sin and things that are wrong. The honor and glory I deserve is not given to Me. For this I have no more mercy, but will soon return in glory and honor as judge, to judge all the inhabitants of earth. But first, I will judge those that carry the name of Christians, yet have tried to deceive Me. Because of them, My name was, and is, dishonored and blasphemed before those that do not know Me."
"...Now the battle will begin to get harder, the devil is ready to begin war against the Christians, and I have allowed this...All those who worshiped Me, and have lived a clean life, those that suffered here on earth, will have joy. For I am the one who will judge all of the nationalities of the earth. I will spare no one, and will not have mercy, or grace for anyone. The day when I will punish and condemn is coming. I tell these things for everyone to hear. Hard days of suffering are coming to this place and over the whole earth. The hardships will be so great, that the minds of man will not be able to understand it. It will be so hard that men will kill themselves. I will judge, through torment, pain, and suffering, and will take revenge with great harshness for all sin. The Father has allowed me to avenge my spilled blood."
"...I want to show you the judgment of the people and the wicked. But the hardest judgement, will be received by the church; because they knew My word and My power, but many of them dishonored Me, giving into defilement, adulteries, wickedness, and dishonored My name before men who did not know Me. For this, I am filled with rage, and I have been given the authority to take revenge against the talking with you now. I told you what will happen in this place. Be cautious, for the time is drawing near!inhabitants of the earth; those who have dishonored Me."

...He [an angel] then began to hand me letters. They were addressed to certain churches. I knew that these must be AMERICAN churches because I did not recognize the names as being Romanian. The first letter said, "My people who are discouraged and beaten by the storms, many who have let themselves be beaten by the enemy, stand up! Cry out before God, that He may save you!"
The man kept coming and giving me more letters with names of churches of different denominations, and also independent churches. He gave me very many papers. Then he said to me, "When you finish taking these papers where you are supposed to, you will see something that you have never seen before."
There was a thunder and the voice spoke again: "Tell all my people to PRAY and to REPENT. The days have been shortened because of all the iniquities. My people, repent, because the days are numbered."
I began to see the days passing by, but whenever the ray of light would pass by me, I would fall. The days were passing so quickly that I could not count them.
The voice spoke again, "Tell my people that I tried to WAKE them up through powerful storms, fires, floods and earthquakes, but even then they would not wake up. This is why I will pour out my wrath when they least expect it."
The angel gave me a scripture: Joel 2:12-13, "Now therefore says the Lord, Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm."

THE THREE SCROLLS -- July 1, 1994
..."I am taking revenge against the sin. I am taking revenge that they may see my power! With as much as I've blessed them, that is how much I will send destruction! I will send storms, heavy rains, flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes, because I want them to see my power, and know that without Me they can do nothing. They trusted in themselves and in their own strengths. This is why I will punish this place."
..."I came to talk with you. I will send great plagues over America and I want you to be aware. I am the one who talked with you in the past and I am talking with you now. I told you what will happen in this place. Be cautious, for the time is drawing near!"
After saying these words, he took out a scroll which began to unroll very quickly. It was so long that I could not see it's end. On this first scroll of paper were written all kinds of names. Beside each name was listed either "punish," a type of disease, (all kinds were listed), "trial," or "torment." Those named will have to go through what is listed by their name, in order to be cleansed and be able to stand.
That scroll was then rolled up and sealed, and a second one was brought out. On it was written "peace, joy in the Holy Spirit, salvation," or "victory," for those that loved me and worked for me and kept their life clean; not for the hypocrites, the proud, the boastful, the hateful, nor others which I cannot recall. The scroll continued to pass by slowly before my eyes until it finished passing.
Then the third scroll opened up, and this had names written on it also. Yet there was something written only beside the names on the top half. From the halfway mark down by each name there were flashing stars. I asked what this meant. Then one of the men said to me, "These are those with whom the number will be completed. The seed of God has reached their hearts, and is even now working toward repentance. When the total number will be complete, all of the devastation will begin. Until then, I will send great plagues over America that they may wake up from the sleep with which they are sleeping, and from their self reliance. That they may see their PRIDE and BOASTFULNESS.

AWAKEN MY PEOPLE -- November 21 1994 (Complete Prophecy)
"Awaken my people", says the voice of the Lord. "Be passive no longer. Draw closer today more than ever, for the day of my vengeance is ready to begin. I will shake the earth from it's foundation, and I will require punishment of all those that say they do my will, yet through what they do they blaspheme my name. I will punish prophets, preachers, singers, and all those that do a work, yet they do it for their own glory. I will judge, and punish the entire world. ONLY those that today sit at my feet in meekness, weeping, and worshiping me, asking for my help, will rejoice in the protection of the arm of the Lord on that day. Forsake every evil thought, all the empty words, all covetousness, pride and hypocrisy, because in whatever you are used, it is not you doing it but I the Lord.
Where are my clean gifts that I have poured among you; speaking in tongues, prophecy, and other gifts that were given unto you? Where is my power?" says the Lord.
"Change your hearts my people, today, for the days are numbered until I will begin to avenge. My eye sees in the light, as well as in the darkness, my people. There is no where you can hide from the eye of God. Liars, impostors, those that are covetous, and all those that have only a form of Godliness, but deny the power of God, I will judge them, and then I will judge the whole world. I will shake it from it's foundations. In many places there will be massacres. Those that today worship me with faithfulness will be the only ones protected on that day. The horn is ready to sound for the start of the battle. The days are numbered until you will hear the sound, when the armies of heaven will begin the battle against the inhabitants of earth. No army in the world will be able to stand against the armies of heaven, and the army of hell will not be able to raise it's head against the Lord's army. Yet, those that worshiped me in spirit and in truth, I will protect, for I am God. Everything you see around you will be no more. Everything will be destroyed and burn in fire. Do not be passive, draw close to me, for I come to avenge, and fulfill all that was said in the past," says the Lord.

THE BEAST STRIKES -- Jan. 21, 1995
..."This is why I have come to you, to show you a REVELATION, which you must tell the AMERICAN people."
"...From the center of [a] helicopter, a platform began to raise up...On the platform was a throne. THE POPE was on this throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth, and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them." As I was looking at him, full of terror and fear because he was surrounded by a powerful force, formed by planes and personnel, suddenly a white cloud came, and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, with a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground. He said, "Remember everything you've heard. Everything you've seen, and everything you'll hear. TELL MY PEOPLE...
...The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the BEAST that sat upon the helicopter - these are the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may come to pass. A MAJORITY of My people, will be overtaken, and trampled, because their lives are not clean before their Lord. Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you! The churches are FRAUDULENT (counterfeit, fake). They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods. Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired. Now, tell them! Cry out loud! Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the BEAST'S anger, I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me. The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared." Again, He spoke to me, "Look to your right." When I looked, I saw such a vast army, that my eyes could not encompass it. "This is the army I have prepared to save my people from the BEAST'S grasp. Do not forget to tell them the words that I have told you. I will give you a spirit of remembrance...I will come and bring you more revelations about the times of the end."

ISRAEL AND AMERICA -- Nov. 22, 1995
...I saw a black emblem, on which there was gold writing. It said, "ISRAEL! You dishonor Me and you mock Me. You trust in the powers of men. Because you will not return unto Me, I have this against you, and I will punish you with great fury. This is also to purify some who want to call upon me with a clean heart. The shame and blasphemy that they have caused has reached heaven."
After I read these things, the man standing beside me said, "Let us leave this place, or we will be caught in the wrath. "It seemed I was suddenly on an American plane, which was about to land with me in CALIFORNIA. When I was about to disembark, I heard sirens which howled loudly, and a great sound of many plane engines was heard. The man with me said, "The punishment draws closer. Look closely and read. "When I looked up, I saw a written scroll appear before my eyes. The writing was in Romanian. It said, "AMERICAN people; those of you who have dishonored and mocked me; you who have brought hatred and blasphemy against My name throughout the world; for these things My vengeance draws closer. As for My children, those who have worshiped Me with all their hearts, I will fight before them and I will give them victory and safety. I will SEPARATE those who have worshiped Me from those who have not as I separated Goshen and Egypt"
..."My Word is righteous. I am the Christ who has brought this news to you. Do not be quiet. Tell the American people all that I have told you, and all that I have revealed to you ahead of time; for the destruction which is coming over them I did not allow to come unannounced. The punishment is even at the door."

... "I still have names to add to the number before all the things that I have shown you will happen." They opened a great book and said, "Do you remember how many pages were left to fill when I showed you last time? Now, there is but ONE PAGE left. When this is completed, what I have told you will happen to AMERICA." The man proceeded to tell me that the time it would take for this page to be filled, would not be longer, but shorter.

I saw the president of RUSSIA, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of CHINA, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud. The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free TAIWAN of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."
A voice said to me, "Watch where the RUSSIANS penetrate America." I saw these words being written: ALASKA; MINNESOTA; FLORIDA. Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."
The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack. All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that KOREA and CUBA will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America."
The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!"
The man standing beside me asked, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against AMERICA. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken."
Who are you?" I asked. "I am the protector of America. AMERICA'S sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people." As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me.

The Future of Israel -- June 17 & 18, 1996
..."I am Jesus Christ, and I am looking over my blood relatives and my people for whom I gave my life. Their sins have put a wall between God and themselves. God has decided to bring back all of the scattered people from the nations. Instead of thanking God for watching over them, giving them safe passage, they have become even more wicked than they were in the nations they left. I am crying because of the tribulation that is to overcome them. They say they keep the Sabbath, but they don't. They say the keep my laws, but they do not. All the nations of the world have their eyes on this place, thinking that this place is holy. They come to seek holiness, and see an example in this place. This place is not holy, but has become defiled. Because of this, God has decided to take peace from this country. They do not trust in the peace God provides, but seek to make their own peace. God can no longer stand their sins. Because of their wickedness, look and see how punishment will come upon Israel."
I then saw a cloud of airplanes, in formation from the left (Golan Heights) and a large army coming from a corner (Yarmouk River valley) with every kind of weapon. They had horses, carriages, cars, tanks, and soldiers on foot. I began to hear screaming from my right, and asked: "Can you stop this?"
"Until they pass through hard times, they will not recognize me as God, and will not call upon me for help." He answered...

MAYBE THREE YEARS -- November 29, 1996 (Complete Vision)
As I was laying in my hospital bed, looking over the faces of my family, three men appeared beside me. One had a globe in his hand, and he began to rotate it and point out certain countries saying: "This is where the destruction will come from." I don't remember all the places he pointed to, but I remember I saw MEXICO, CUBA, and the ALASKAN border. Then one of the men spoke to me; "we fought against dearth for you. It was a hard fight. Do not fear you will not leave. You still have work to do."
Suddenly, 3 stars appeared behind them. One of them asked; "Do you know what that means?"
"No" I answered.
"We won't say exactly, but it probably means that in another 3 years a great massacre will occur." Then the stars turned into blood, and everything disappeared.

A DREAM -- March 29, 1997
I was fishing with Sergiu and Daniel, my two grandsons. We were in a place called Hot Springs. Suddenly, a moon appeared, which shined exceedingly bright. Six smaller moons came out of the large one. As every moon appeared it would cause winds, storms and tornadoes to start. The people seemed very agitated; they would run from place to place. I then told my grandson, "We have nowhere to run. There are mountains all around us and the storms are getting worse." Trees were flying around, homes were being demolished and although the wind was blowing with such intensity, we did not feel it. Daniel was very scared. A man appeared at the edge of the moon holding a smaller moon in his hand. "These will be just some of the punishments THIS COUNTRY will endure" he said. "Through wind, storms, tornadoes and disasters I will weaken their strength." Then I awoke.

A GREAT BEAR -- related by Virginia Boldea, Dumitru's daughter -- published in June 1997
Two days before taking my father (Dumitru Duduman) to the hospital, I heard his voice in the early morning hours. "I saw something." As usual I got my recorder and went to his bedside. He would not let me record it. I don't remember everything he said, but I would like to share with you that which I do remember. My father stated, "The Lord showed me a very large bear. It was as big as a building, and it began to do battle with an unarmed man." "Do you see what I have shown you?" a voice said. "This is how it will be when the hardships come over AMERICA. No one will be able to defend her. Only those that trust in me will be spared. Everything will start as a heavy rain on a sunny day. At a time you least expect it." There was more but I do not remember the rest.
The weather people are predicting that El Nino will bring heavy rainstorms to the west coast in October and November. Do you suppose . . ?

Vision Received – April 12, 1997
…I heard a powerful voice which drowned out everything else. “Stop!” Even if I would have wanted to continue walking I could not. It was as if I was paralyzed. “Tell my people, that their worship toward Me must not be out of fear, but out of love. Of what use will it be to them if I would tell them when the final hour will strike? What they must do is worship wholeheartedly. I have already sent them a guide. They have my Word. In My word it has already been revealed that I come as a thief in the night. Tell them that concern over tomorrow should not be found in them. They must be faithful, and fight the good fight. Love me as I have loved them, living in love. Behold destruction is fast approaching, but I will not hesitate to be protector for my chosen. Those that sow mercy, shall receive mercy from Me. Tell my people not to worry about the seasons, but meditate on how they will stand before Me. Urge them to prepare for the day when I will show my power. Look!”
When I turned, I saw a small child that was trying to climb the stairs. He tried, but because he was too small he could never make it to the next step. His laughter however echoed throughout like a bell. Even though he kept falling, he showed no sign of sadness, but just kept trying. “Did I not leave you this parable as an example?” Then everything disappeared.

DREAM RECEIVED – April 1997 (Complete Dream)
I knelt beside my bed to pray as I do every night before going to sleep. After finishing my prayer, I opened my eyes but I was no longer in my room. Instead, I found myself in a forest. I looked around and to my right I saw a man, dressed in white, who pointed his finger and said, “see and remember.” It took me a while to find what he was pointing at. It was a small bear who seemed half dead lying on the ground. AS I continued to watch this bear, it began to breathe deeper. With every passing minute it seemed to revive itself, and, as I watched, it also became angrier. It then began to grow. Soon it was larger than the forest floor and as it grew larger it continued to become angrier. It then began to paw the ground, so that when its paw would hit the ground, the earth would shudder. The bear continued to devastate all that stood in its path until it came upon some men with sticks trying to fend it off. By this time the bear had grown so large that it simply crushed the men underfoot and continued its rampage. I was stunned by what I saw and asked the man standing beside me, “What does this mean?”
“At first, they thought the great bear was dead,” the man said. “As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it harmless. Suddenly it will grow string once more with purpose and violence. God will blind the eyes of those that continue to trample on the sacrifice of Christ’s blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it will be just as you saw.” The man then said, “Tell My people the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. If they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up and trampled underfoot. Only in righteousness will they find safety.” Suddenly, I was once again by myself in my room, on my knees, with sweat covering my face.

It was not a dream . . . by Virginia Boldea (Dumitru's daughter)-- published April 1997
...There were a handful of comets in the sky which looked to be peaceful. Suddenly three of them, all different sizes began to head toward the earth. When they hit the ground, there was total devastation. As I looked up, the sky turned black and I saw thunder. The thunder was also black. A dark cloud lifted up and it began to rain. When I looked closer I saw that it was not rain but drops of blood. As I looked to my left, I saw another man standing on another cloud. He was very tall, dressed in white, with his hands raised high. Each time he moved his hands, fireballs would come out of his fingers. I looked, awestruck, at the man's height and the way his face shone and radiated. Then a powerful voice said: "Remember what I have shown you. This will be the beginning of the pain that I will allow upon the earth." He repeated this phrase again, after which he spoke to me: "You prepare yourself, be strong and draw close to me with fasting and prayer for I will come to show you things more terrifying than these." Then everything disappeared.

A Vision . . . by Michael Duduman Boldea (Dumitru's grandson) -– November 1999
There are many who would call me a fool for shying away from receiving revelation from God. I have spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking God if He would perhaps reconsider, and find someone else to show these things to. Before leaving for the United States, I went to a prayer meeting, and once again God spoke through a prophet that He had chosen me for this work, and I would fulfill my calling. Perhaps, in a later issue of the newsletter, I will share with you my reasons for wanting to be just another servant of God, with no special gifts, and no special insight. For now, I would merely like to share with you a vision God showed me recently.
I had never had a vision before, and so this took me by complete surprise. I was driving from Libby, Montana to Seattle, Washington with three other brothers. Because of the meningitis outbreak in Romania we had to get back to Wisconsin early, and the only flight out was one out of Seattle. As I was driving I simply blacked out. Suddenly, I found myself high above the earth looking down at it. An enormous hand came out of nowhere, and the index finger of that hand struck the United States with some much force that it went almost completely into the earth before stopping. It seemed like the entire continent was shaking. As I looked, not quite understanding what I was seeing, I heard a voice: "I will shake them once again, in the hopes that I may wake them." Wake who? I asked. I then found myself on the steps of a large church, and the voice urged me to go inside. As I went in, I heard loud snoring as all the people were sleeping. "They are my bride. They are whom I am trying to wake up from their slumber, and I will shake this nation from its foundation in order to do so."
I think at this point the road curved, because I started hearing those loud speed bumps, and was startled back into the driver’s seat.

A Dream (Michael Boldea Jr.) –- undated
...a great multitude of spirits descended onto the valley floor, and they began attacking everyone. I began to see names on the foreheads of these Spirits. I saw the words "fear, confusion, deception, hopelessness, apathy," and "indifference," carved into the foreheads of these beings. As they would attack, the multitude would begin to scream and run from one side of the valley floor to the other. I continued to watch, horrified, yet unable to take my eyes off of what was happening before my very eyes. Then I noticed, that those who were in PRAYER, could not be attacked by these spirits. They would all swarm on those in prayer, but then retreat in fear.
Then I heard a voice which thundered and said, "Behold, this is the church of AMERICA. Do they not know that all is vanity? Do they not know that only God can protect them? They seek all else, but the kingdom of heaven, and this is why the spirits of fear, and confusion are allowed to wage war against them. Unless they SEEK the face of GOD, all that they do to prepare will be in vain.
Beware, and warn of the GREAT DECEPTION that will soon come upon the earth. ALL will be tried, MANY will be found lacking and be deceived. Only in God will the church find the safety and security they are searching for."

The Day of the Lord's Wrath Approaches (Virginia Boldea) -- January 12, 2000 (Complete Vision)
I felt unusually tired and had no choice but to go and lay down for awhile. Unable to explain my lethargy, I began to pray. The power of the Holy Spirit came over me and as I was kneeling, unable to stand, the whole room filled with a white light. I closed my eyes and opened them again but the light was still there. Suddenly, I did not know where I was, and instead of a light, I saw a field that was, for lack of a better word, perfect. It seemed like it was springtime because the grass was all new and beautiful. I began to look around and ask myself, "What am I doing here?"
"You've come to see me," a voice answered. "Tell the people that the day of the Lord's wrath approaches!" He gave me some time to mediate on what I had just heard, and then He repeated the same words, "Tell the people that the day of the Lord's wrath approaches!" Another pause, and a voice said, "Tell the people that the day of the Lord's wrath approaches and only those that live their lives in the fruit of the Spirit will be saved!" I heard the voice a fourth time, much louder that when it had begun, "The day of the Lord's wrath draws near for the inhabitants of the earth!" Then everything disappeared and I felt more tired than I ever remember feeling in my entire life.
The first brother that I met after this experience was Brother Tanta. I shared what had happened with him and with an amazed look on his face he said, "These are the exact words God spoke in our church through the Holy Spirit last night." May God help us to be awake and to be prepared for the days that are to come."