

Woo hoo!

Sooo... What's this all about, you ask? I'll tell you what!! I give you an idea, and you send in your story! I'll switch the ideas every month.

This months idea:
We all know of the groups in the USA, but what about mutant groups in other countries?


1: It must be no longer then a chapter, or five pages long.

2: Use font size 10'

3: Although I do not like censorship, you must rate your work. That way I can warn others of anything explicit

4: Any country will do, as long as it's not the USA.

See the latest entries HERE! (Aw man! If you're reading this, you passed it!)

How I Judge:

1: I like detail; the more detail, the better I understand the story.

2: Dialog; If you have a lot of talking, make sure it flows just right. No jumping to things that were nowhere near the point.

3: Gore; if you have some grusome fighting, explain all the details


You get a nice little card from me. An E-card of course! Only first three places get there work shown, and get a nifty little card!

Send all submissions to me, Natas
All submissions must be in by October 31, 2000 to be excepted.
