

Fan Fiction Submission Rules:

1: Have fun; If it's no fun, it's worthless!

2: Rate it; I don't mind slash or adult fic's, but I have to warn any overprotective parents of this so they can stop their poor little brat's from reading it.

3: Be open to creative insight; I know it sucks to have someone flame you, but just be open to some pointers for future reference.

4: If you have a web site, give it to me; That way, if you have other fic's not on this site, I can tell people where to go to get it!

5: If it a series, tell me. That way I can warn the people of that.

6: What? I really have to have a sixth rule!? Whatever...

Fan Art Submission Rules:

1) Same thing as fiction, have fun!

2) Tell me if it's a single character, multiple character, or kiss; It just makes my life a little easier.

3) Be opened minded; Obvious reasons.

4) Give me a link to your home page if you have one; That way if you have more work on your site, people can go and check it out.

5) This is sounding a lot like the fiction rules, non?

With that out of the way; Send all Stories to:

I do not mind text in the body of a e-mail. If you have the HTML for your story, send it to: JaD

Thank you for your interest. I will e-mail you to inform you where you can find your story/art on my site.
