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FREE GAMES FOR YOUR HOMEPAGE! Detailed Instructions | Try The Games

  1. Scroll down on this page and choose the game you want.
  2. Highlight and copy the code snippet, or use the Copy To Clipboard button to add it to your Code Clipboard.
  3. Paste the snippet into a page of HTML.
  4. Save and/or upload the page. View it to try your new game!

The Love Tester
The Love Tester
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Celebrity Dunking Booth
Washed-Up Celeb
Dunking Booth
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Space Blammo
Space Blammo
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Trick or Trash!
Trick or Trash!
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Extreme Board-dom
Extreme Board-dom
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
The Gobblenator!
The Gobblenator
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
The Tarot Toy
The Tarot Toy
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Executive Basketball
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Snowman Thing-a-ma-jig
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Snowflake Game
Snowflake Game
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
Revenge of Yar's Revenge
Revenge of
Yar's Revenge
copy & paste the HTML below:         [detailed instructions]
New games coming all the time...


Step 1. Scroll up on this page and choose the game you want on your page. You can put as many games as you want on your site, but we recommend only putting one game per page, so you don't overload and crash people's web browsers.

Step 2. Copy the code snippet. Highlight the snippet of code for the game you've chosen, using your cursor, then choose COPY from the EDIT menu of your browser. Or you can use the Copy To Clipboard to put the code into your Code Clipboard. This is an especially good idea if you want to grab the code for more than one game at once.

Step 3. Paste the snippet into a page of HTML, using one of the Angelfire Editors or in your OWN HTML editing program. To do this using Angelfire, just log-in to the Angelfire Web Shell, and open up a page in the Basic or Advanced Editor. (You can use a page that is already built, or in a new page.) Decide where you want the game to sit on the page. If it's a Basic Editor Page it's best to put the snippet in a Text Block. If you are using our Advanced Editor or your own HTML editor, paste the snippet wherever you want the game to appear.

Step 4. Save the page. View it to try your new game! If you are using your own HTML editor, you'll need to upload the page to your Angelfire directory for the game to show up. You MUST have the free Shockwave plug-in in order to view the game in your page. You can download the plug-in here. We are very sorry to state that WebTV is not currently campatible with Shockwave, and so WebTV users cannot play Shockwave Games. You can put a game in your page for other people to play, but you won't be able to see it or play it yourself, using WebTV.

TROUBLESHOOTING: All of these games are quite small, and should load into your web page within two minutes at the most - much less in some cases. Please remember - we recommend putting one game per page. If the game does not appear in your page, first check the HTML of your page to make sure that you copied the ENTIRE snippet. It must begin with this character- < and end with this character- >. If you are certain that you copied it correctly, then you need to be certain that you have the Shockwave plug-in installed. Try going to this game (Revenge of Yar's Revenge) - if you can see the game, then Shockwave is installed properly. If the game does not appear after a minute or so, you may need to download Shockwave. You can get it for free here. If you are a WebTV user, you wil not be able to download Shockwave or see and play these games.

These games will only work if you copy and paste the snippet into an ANGELFIRE web page. You cannot put these games on pages on other web-hosting companies.

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