Troll Culture

The trolls of the world of Two Moons to date have been the only race to develop the ability to forge iron and other hard metals. Steel (a.k.a. 'brightmetal') is still a rarity, however, as that is the invention of the cunning master-smith Two-Edge. Because of their forging capabilities, however, trolls are solidly into the Iron Age. They have invented the wheel and use it in small capacities, such as for wagons to haul mined ores or gears to raise and lower their elaborately constructed gates; since they do not generally go aboveground, however, and since tunnels belowground can often be complicated to traverse, they do not use the wheel for transportation.

Trolls are also the makers of the most advanced weaponry in the world. They have made metal swords and knives, as well as metal tips for arrows, spears, and crossbows. The only full-body forms of armor have been forged by Two-Edge, and all of those artifacts are in the hands of the Go-Backs; however, the trolls can and do produce and wear heavy metal helmets, bracers, and breastplates to protect themselves.

The Northern trolls are quite hostile towards elves, and regularly make war upon the Go-Backs; Southern trolls have traditionally had a wary neutrality towards elves, sometimes bartering with them to exchange forged goods for furs or other materials trolls can not easily acquire from the surface. .

As in many traditional and mythological sources in real life, trolls in Elfquest are sensitive to sunlight. Their millenia spent belowground have adapted them to darkness and torchlight, and to be out in the daylight causes pain to their eyes. A troll who garbs himself or herself heavily enough may go aboveground in the daylight, but generally only extreme circumstances will persuade that troll to do so.

Because of their aversion to sunlight, trolls are unlikely to interact much if at all with elf tribes whose customs are centered around the daytime. They are even less likely to interact with humans.

Trolls speak the same language elves do, and due to their long lives they have not experienced much lingual drift. An elf and a troll who have reason to converse should not have difficulty understanding one another. A notable exception to this is that unlike elves, trolls use the words "King" and "Queen" and related words for their leaders.

Trolls do not appear to have developed any particular forms of art or the "symbol-making" exhibited by elves and humans. However, trolls do decorate their caverns with fine metals and gems.
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