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Hiya peoples, welcome to the new and improved Manga Garden! Basicly, Manga Garden has completely and utterly evolved since it's last update. We now house a large collection of art from many different manga, and accept fanfiction for any series we have galleries from. Watch the updates for future breakthroughs!

It's here! You asked for it, and after six long months of agonized waiting and hiding around corners with sharp metal objects, it's finally here! Ladies and gentleman, I give you, straight from the horse's mouth (wait, wrong expression, hehe ^^;;), well anyways, I give you- drum roll please- Destiny's Kiss, Chapter 16! Yay! *hides under couch and laughs insanely, "I'm free, I'm finally free! hahaha!"* ^^;;

Guestbook links are at the bottom of the page, the rest are all right here:
* Galleries
* Library
* Misc.
* Contact

scented//cherry vanilla swirl
Gates of Chronos- sister site
KawaiiDreams- my collective
Goddess Goodies

::Et Cetera::
This page is best viewed at a screen resolution of 800x600+. This page uses frames (duh). Layout from Goddess Goodies.