Title: Sailor Moon L By: Sky Fairy E-mail: SailorComet62@netscape.net SailorComet62@netscape.net AIM Address: LitiaSkyFairy OR SailorComet5762, (SailorComet5762 used only on Saturday nights) Rating: PG Timeline: After Stars, before Crystal Tokyo Setting: Tokyo, Japan Hidy ho! My name is Beth. To understand this Fan Fiction you must understand these signs… " " = Talking ' ' = Nonliving thing talking, (TV, radio, speaker) - - = Thoughts * * = Hearing something in your head ITALICS = Sounds OR accented words @ @ = Authors note ~~~~~~~ = Next scene. Disclaimer: Oh yeah, I don't own sailor moon, but I do own my favorite tee-shirt, my sailor Moon dolls, and other stuff too, even my best friends Katy's Luna Rock Cd. I'm kidding, the Cd belongs to Katy. I'm serious Katy! I was kidding. Don’t blame me if it's "missing" I didn’t take it! This isn't proof at all that I took it! It was a joke! J…O…K…E, JOKE! Fine, well "humph" to you too! See if I care! Sorry readers, "technical difficulties" (glaring at Katy) are getting weirder and weirder every day. Important Info- Pay attention to the signs at the top of this page. They are very important to the story. It doesn't make sense if you don't read them. Comata- pronounced Com-ah-ta. Sachelle- pronounced Suh-shell. Sanvella- pronounced San-vei-la. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sailor Moon, L By: Sky Fairy Ch.1- Arrival of the Legend "Wow! Look at those dresses! They're gorgeous! " Serena was sitting in front of the TV with her nose squished like a pancake against the screen. She was watching a fashion show by Sachelle's Fashions, the most popular clothing company in all of the U.S. and of course, Japan. It had many models to model for it, but it's two main ones were Supermodels Comata and Sanvella. They were sisters. Sanvella was 3 years younger than Comata. Comata modeled teen to adult clothes, while Sanvella modeled children's clothes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comata came out from the curtain in a white and dark purple dress made of silk and sheer. It came across her shoulders and had tight sleeves. It had a little star cot out around her bellybutton, which had a heart crystal like shape around it in dark purple. As Comata got to the end of the walkway, she turned sharply around the walkway's corner. Her thick, medium brown, shoulder length hair shone, and swirled around her face giving her a mysterious look, and her deep big brown eyes sparkled with an unusual glitter. As Serena took her head away from the TV, she could see more of the screen. She looked at the dress. Comata's drop-dead-gorgeous body showed the dress perfectly, making anyone believe it would look that good on them. It wouldn't though. She wore silver strappy shoes, and nylon leggings. She wore no make-up, because it clogged up the skin, and she didn't see why she needed it to make her look good, reporters like the truth, right? When she left, her sister, Sanvella came out. She looked just like Comata, but her hair was darker, she was younger, and shorter. Her dress was yellow with a gold belt around the middle. It had thin cream yellow spaghetti straps, and it came down to her knees in satin. Her shoes were white-cream, and had 1/2 inch heals. Before she got to the end of the walkway, she shook her head to get the hair out of her face. Her dark brown hair waved like an ocean. Her greenish-brown eyes shined so brightly, you almost had to cover your eyes. When she left, the show was over, but the lights didn't come back on. One more spotlight appeared. Out came a new model. She had a perfect figure, but only 1 person knew who she was. "Hey! That’s Sachelle!" A murmer started to go around. "He's right!" yelled a reporter. At this the entire crowd started cheering and taking pictures. As she neared the curtain, one boy yelled out, "I love you Sachelle! Marry me!" Sachelle laughed. It sounded as beautiful as wedding bells. "Sorry. I've got a boyfriend." This actually wasn't true. She didn't want a fancy, famous husband, neither did Comata, but it was basically all they could get. Sachelles dress was light blue with loose sleeves, and a sash around the middle. Her long, loose skirt swirled around her legs. Her blue shoes had a metallic look to them. She left the stage. Now, the news channel was going to interview them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Serena, you're going to fry your eyes like that!" said Raye irritatedly. "But look, they're SO beautiful. I should be up there, I mean, you don't have to be smart to be a model, right? "Serena! You know I should be the one up there, I am after all the goddess of love and, oh, what was it? Beauty." "V-Babe, do you honestly have a dress like those?" BOING! The TV went out. "Hey! Raye! What did you do that for?" Serena said angrily. "You know you have a big geometry test tomorrow. Study and Mina will buy you a cake." "Make it two." "Fine. Someone quiz her." "I will!" Lita exclaimed. "What shape has three sides?" "Oh, I know this, um it’s a… "@She started counting on her fingers@. "Got it! It's a eight-angle." "Oh boy." Lita sighed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Serena!" yelled Molly. "How do you think you did on that geometry test? I think I got a B+, but how can you tell?" "Well I think I got a…" She was interrupted. "Hey girls! Guess what! There are two new students, Katy and Beth. People say that they transferred from Brooks Private School because of Yoma attacks, but I don't believe that. But I should, because I hear they're pretty brainy. I'm not quite sure what they did to their uniforms though. Oh, oh, oh, oh! Here they come! I'm going to go talk to them." Melvin started to walk away. "Melvin think. Look at them. Their uniforms, how shy they are. They're probably just snobs." "But Serena, look at them, they aren't over weight, they are a perfect height. Their hair is so shiny." Molly said curiously. They were pretty tall, about Amy's height, and not a bit over weight. Beth had medium long, shiny, thick, brown hair. It was put in position perfectly. She had big, dark brown eyes that had a mysterious look to them. Katy was standing next to her. She was just about the same height, and had long chestnut hair. She had bright blue eyes, that glittered and sparkled, like that glitter people use to decorate construction paper. "Molly. Don't be silly, their just desperate pleads for attention." Beth looked at her. She was standing at a window kind of like where Mercury was standing, when you first see her. Her eyes were full of innocence, and sadness, @like Mercury's when she looks at Molly, Serena and that other round girl@. But suddenly, her eyes turned to anger. Katy noticed this, and they walked away. "Whoa! Wait!" Serena yelled. "Haven't I seen you two before, somewhere?" "Maybe." Beth replied coldly. "Maybe not." Katy said. "Huh?" Serena stopped walking, and watched them leave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After school… "Serena!" "What?!" "Can I have a friend over?" Serena's mom had won a trip to the Caribbean with her Serena's dad. They left Serena alone with Rini, but didn't trust her with Luna and Diana, so they took the two cats to the vet. Artimis was at the vet too, because her had a minor kitty cold. "Fine! But leave me alone!" With this, Rini came up the stares to the hallway Serena was standing in. @Rini had been down stairs by the door@. "Thanks. C'mon out Eve!" With that a little girl with long, dark brown hair tumbled out of the closet. "Rini how could you do that to a girl, who looks so familiar?" "Well, If you had said yes, I'd be good to go. But if you had said no, she'd already be in the house, and I know you wouldn't kick her out. C'mon Eve." She marched out, Eve following. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Serena couldn't sleep that night she kept on having dreams about Beth and Katy. In her most recurring dream, She saw them, just standing there. Then, they walked closer, and closer, and said something to her, but Serena didn't understand a word they said. It was some sort of poem in code. Serena felt as if she had heard it before. Then they each drew something from their pockets. A big flask of light emerged from the items. Then…Serena woke up. "What am I going to do?" she asked herself. As she tried to remember the dream, it kept slipping away, like trying to hold water in your hand. "Serena. Are you talking to your self again?" Rini yelled from the floor. @Yes, the floor. Serena had such a restless night, she kept accidentally pushing Rini out, so Rini decided it was just better not to try to sleep in the bed.@ "Shut it! You twerp!" Serena yelled back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next day, after school… "Hey Wait!" Serena called after the two girls. "What do you want?" Beth snapped. "To apologize." "For what all you did was call us snobs, and spread harmful rumors about us. And call us geeks." "We are anti-geeks." Katy said. "Look, I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. I'll...um...bake you a chocolate cake." "Cake? Yeah, you're forgiven!" Katy shrieked. "Katy." Beth whispered under her breath. "What?" "So now that were friends and all, would you mind telling me what you did to your uniforms?" "It's only the latest fashion." Beth snarled. Beth and Katy had cut each of their uniforms into a midriff shirt, and mini-skirt. @I know it rhymes, isn't that so cool?@ "But why would you go to such extremes?" Serena asked. "Because we…" "OKAY! THAT'S IT! CHATTING TIMES OVER! TO THE KITCHEN!" Katy grabbed Serena's hand and marched off. She went to street after street until they were as far from the school as possible, but still in the same area. "OK! WHERE'S YOUR HOUSE?" Katy finally asked. "B...b…by the…the school." Serena replied. "Well take me there! NOW!" When they finally got to Serena's house, Beth was sitting on the doorstep, examining her nails. "About time." Beth said. "How'd you get here so fast?" Katy asked her. "With help from our old friend…drum roll please…the phone book!" "Whoops." Katy said as she marched in the door. Beth followed softly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It's ready!" Serena yelled. "Yay! Me first! Me first!" Katy yelled. "Go right ahead." Beth said sniffing the burnt smelling air. "I'll cut it!" Katy shrieked. She cut the cake into 3 big pieces, all equal. "Beth, do you want yours." "I'm on a 'diet' thank you very much." -Good, two down, one to go.- "Serena?" "Go right ahead." Serena said hesitantly. Now Katy had the entire cake to her self. She cut one piece in half and stuck it in her mouth" "Looks like you've got a bit of a competition there now huh Serena." Beth whispered to Serena. "How did you know?" Serena asked. "One word…Melvin." "Oh, I'm gonna…" She was interrupted with a little squeak. Katy's eyes watered. She spit out all the cake. "WWWHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" little bits of cake came streaming out of her mouth. Beth and Serena used their books to shield themselves. "What's wrong!?" Beth yelled over the crying. "What did you do to her cake?!" Beth yelled at Serena. "If you poisoned t, why I'll…" Serena had been inching towards the door. Beth grabbed her shoulder. "What did you put in that cake?!" Katy stopped screaming, and cried softly so she could listen to their conversation. "Well, I was out of cake mix, so I used pizza dough, we are also out of sugar, so I used salt. Um, I used chocolate extract, @It was actually soy sauce, but she had ripped off the label.@ And, we were out of frosting, so I used cream cheese. Oh, and I accidentally baked it for half an hour too long." "WHAT?!?! Serena, Katy's allergic to cream cheese!" "No I'm not," Katy whimpered. "Ssssshhhhh. Serena, Katy' going to teach you how to cook." Katy looked at Beth, cake dribbling down her face. "And I will teach you how to make gourmet drinks. Okay, we start now. First of all… wait, I can't cook in these clothes! Stains are like bacteria!" "What?! Don't tell me you got a stain on my…um... my favorite kind of school uniform. Lets go change." They walked out, and went into their bags. When they came back into the kitchen, they were in satin and silk chef uniforms that were more like fancy party dresses. They had the letters, "SC" on them. "Cool. What does 'SC' mean?" Serena asked. "Ooh, I was hoping you'd ask that, it means Sa…" Beth was glaring at her. "It means Spain Chef. We cooked in Spain at a restaurant, and got to keep the uniforms." "Right" Katy said rolling her eyes. "Okay, first things first. Take some orange juice…" "Check!" Serena said. Beth gave Serena a "whatever" look. "O…K…then take some raspberry sauce, pour it in, let it settle. Don't stir. Put Kiwis, strawberries, lemons, and limes on the straw, put it in the drink, and last but not least, take one of these umbrellas and put it in the drink. No, not a real one, one of these." She held out a box of mini paper umbrellas. "Choose carefully, because there is only one of each design." "Ooh, I want the pink one, with the bunny on it." Serena said. Katy and Beth exchanged looks. "Okay, now put it in the drink, and you have a sun set delight." Beth said proudly. "Umm. This is good." Serena said. She drank it all in one gulp. Learning makes her thirsty. "Thanks for spending so much time with me. It's already, like, eleven o' clock. "WHAT! Beth our umm…thing tomorrow! Bye Serena!" They both raced out the door, smoke following their tracks." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Aahhh! Don't tickle me!" Rini came running in, Eve chasing her. They were playing Tickle Tag. @I think you can guess the aim of the game.@ They ran around Serena in circles. Eve tripped, and ran straight into Serena. "Oh my gosh! I'm sooo sorry! Please forgive me." Eve begged to Serena. @Imagine a big sweat drop on Serena's face.@ "Of course it okay. Have a nice day. It's 11:05" "Ahhh! Gotta go! Bye Rini! Bye Serena!" Eve raced out the door. After she left, Rini spoke up. "Serena, Can we watch TV?" "Of course." Serena said back. 'Finally, the so-called, "Dynamic Trio" is coming to Tokyo! Signing autographs, shows, and performing. You name it, we've got it with this amazing trio. Call this number to get tickets, 1-SCS-555-8832. Come and see them at the Mildstone Park near you.' Serena ran to the phone. "Hello. You have called the Sachelle Fashion Industry. How may I help you?" said the lady at the other end of the line. "Hi. I'd like tickets to the show tomorrow." "How many would you like?" The lady asked. "Um…17," Serena replied. @One for: Serena, Darien, Rini, Amy, Raye, Lita, Mina, Trista, Michelle, Amara, Hotaru, Andrew, Molly, Melvin, Taiki, Seyia, and Yaten.@ "I'm sorry. We only have two left." "I'll take 'em" "Okay, under what name should I reserve them for?" "Um… how about… Moon Bunny." "Okay, be there at 6:00 am tomorrow to get your tickets. Thank you for calling." "Bye!" Serena hung up the phone. "Okay! Rini! Listen up! We got to be there at 400 hours, how ever much that is…" "4:00" Rini said. "Right. We've got to be there at Mildstone Park tomorrow at 4:00 tomorrow morning! So GO TO BED!" "Right away!" Rini Marched upstairs, and fell asleep. Serena followed shortly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bzzzzzzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! 'It's now 4:30 am and fans are already lined up for the modeling show down at Mildstone Park.' "Ahhh! Rini! Why didn't you wake me up?! We've got to go!" Serena jumped out of her pajamas into her clothes, and ran downstairs. Rini was standing by the door. "About TIIIIMMMMMEEEE!" She yelled as Serena grabbed her hand as she ran out the door. Rini was waving like a kite in mid-air, because Serena was running so fast. When they got there, there were 50 people already in line. Not bad for a late start. 10 minutes later… "Wow! Look at all this cool stuff! Who knew they could transform the park into an amusement park in a week!" Serena yelped as she bought cotton candy. 'The fashion show will start in five minutes.' Some dude said over the intercom. Serena raced to the audience. She and Rini were the first people there. They got the best seats. Four minutes later… 'Welcome to the Sachelle Fashion Show. First we will have Street wear.' Another Chad-wannabe said over the intercom. Music came on and Comata walked out in a mini skirt, a midriff tank top, and strappy heals. She walked around the stage and then left. Then Sanvella came out. 'Now we have Sanvella wearing jean capri's, a short sleeved tee shirt with a small pink heart on each sleeve. And so it went on. Next came bathing suits, then winter clothes, party clothes, sports wear, and pajamas. 'And now, our last category will be… eveningwear, and fancy outfits. And here is Sanvella in her red, mini skirt, satin dress with flat healed, leather shoes and a velvet purple head band.' Sanvella left. Comata walked on stage. 'Here is Comata wearing a tight, deep purple, satin dress, that seems to wrap around her in the perfect way.' It came down o her ankles. She also wore an opal choker and a diamond tiara. When she left, the show was over. 'Autographs will be happenin' in five minutes.' said that dude again. Serena ran as fast as she could to get there, but she was really far back in the line, because she was in the front of the audience. Finally, she got to Comata. "Hi! I've wanted to meet you for so long." Serena said Comata quickly signed her paper. "Sorry, I'd love to chat, but we've got other people waiting." Serena walked away hugging the picture. She hadn't even looked at it yet. At least she didn't have to wait in line again. Rini was getting Sanvella's and Sachelle's autographs. They were sharing them. "Uh oh." Comata said. "Sachelle cover for me!" Comata got up and raced after Serena. "I can't!" Sachelle yelled. "Wait! Ser... I mean miss! Give me your autograph!" "Why? What's wrong with it?" Serena asked. She glanced at her autograph. "Oh my God!"