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Let's take a blast to the Moon Baby

Ok, so a little about me. My name is Sue, I'm a 25 year old pagan from an ugly little city in Massachusetts. I moved here from a nicer area of MA when I was about 7 years old, at which point I was sent to Catholic School. Apparently all that religious training did me well considering I'm now a witch...

After graduating from eight grade, I went on to High School at a local vocational school. My experience there was a bit better. I took up child care, because at the time that's what I thought I wanted to do. I was quite wrong. One can only get bit by three year olds for so long before they reach their breaking point...

I currently work for an electronics manufacturer assembling and testing components. It's a living. I'm trying like hell to get myself together so I can get out of my parents house and go back to school for Journalism. My parents were never much help in the funding department. Explains my empowered independence I suppose.My true calling is writing, I'm working on a novel for young adults at this time. Who knows? Maybe my books will be as popular as the Harry Potter series...Uh huh...sure Sue....

Anyway, enough about me. Get back to exploring my site!!!!

<bgsound src="queenofwinter.mid">