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Sailor Elements:: Sailor Moonburst, Senshi From The Soul Of The Moon



Sailor Moonburst

     Konnichi wa minna chan, welcome to Moonburst's Realm! My name is Aurora. I'm a sailor senshi from the Elements. Our leader is Sailor Wind. She is absolutely extraordinary. We love her a lot and will, of course, protect her with our lives. I made this site for the Element RPG. I don't know if Wind will allow anymore characters though. It's already packed as it is. But she may allow members willing to play dead characters (made up by other players). Any-who...I am going to get busy with this page. First, I'm going to set up the profiles...Ja ne!....Please come back soon.


> < ;; I'm sorry, but I give up on the galleries...the other senshi already have that in their realms. I think I want to try a new thing. I'm going to try putting up 'funny lines and moments'. T.T Sorry!


:::: Sailor Aqua's Site//Element: Water
Sailor Wind's Site//Element: Wind : 2