My Rants..(ooo i am in control...)
Let the Ranting begin!!!

~~Rant 1~~
Contruction Workers
Why does it take like 5 guys to do one tiny hole? Why is it like everytime I see them they are on break?...
True Story Here:
We had the street in front of our house paved one day, well it took a week for the whole road to be done but it was only one day for the section/strip of road by me. Anyways..when they were done paving they left but then like another hour later they can back in their truck, there were 5 guys inside. They parked right in front of my house on the opposite side of the road. They had to drill a hole for a gasline or sumthin cause they seemed to pave over it by mistake(?. Well they all got out of the truck..and now this is true.. It took 1 guy to drill the hole, 1 to show where to drill it and 3 guys to watch. Dang..I wish i could get paid for watching my co-workers work..
~~Rant 2~~
Petshop Workers(stacey not being included of course)
I dislike most of them. Half of them don't know their ass from their elbow. Half of them think ferrets r flash: FERRETS HAVE CANINE TEETH..RODENTS HAVE INCISORS!!!!..dun get it look it up I mean hellllllllooooo, you are supposed to be helping us..not hindering us..and not sending us to sum bookstore down the street..grrr..
~~Rant 3~~
History Writers(specially in textbooks)
When will "they" stop blaming rats for the the next 70 yrs from now??? It was a the FLEA'S that spread the plague not the rats, the rats were meer pawns in a deadly game of life and death, they carried the fleas to and fro.
~~Rant 4~~
Declawing Cats
GRRRRRRR...this makes me soooooo mad!!! I don't know why vet's don't try to explain this to peoples..but guess wha?...i will.
Declawing cats is a mutilating thing, it is horridable. My cat has everyone of her claws and i would never think of taking them away. Declawing involves taking the first digit off all thier toes. Open your hand, put it palm down on the computer desk/table, see where where ur fingernail is, see the first knuckle under it? Now imagine cutting ur fingers off right there, nasty huh?..nope it is reality. After declawing usually the cat gets secondary infection or they are never able to walk correctly agian..Chew on this awhile.
~~Rant 5~~
Steve Irwin
Why are aussies so mean to him? Why must u pick on this man? You should be happy he is who he is because he is teaching children as well as adults all about animals..i bet that is more then half you people do in ur lifetime!
~~Rant 6~~
Jeff Corwin
Now this guy should be shot. He thinks he is like the greatest animal specialist in the world..yea right..fat chance..Sad, since when you know animals like my friends and i do and we find mistakes all oveer his webpage and show. If he wasn't egocentric..maybe and this is a big maybe..he might be a okay guy.
~~Rant 7~~
Why celebrate this? I don't, I don't see any point to it. We celebrate one day of peace..and we all know what happened after that..
~~Rant 8~~
Christopher Columbus
How the heck did he discover sumthing that was already inhabited? The Native Americans were there first. And after that it was the vikings who found the Americas first!
It has come to my attention by my dad that the textbooks are supposably stating that he was the first to discover it in the name of Spain...well if this is tru..then please explain this further in the far as i knew he was "the first to discover America"..that is it..
~~Rant 9~~
This was brought up by Jane on the Ratlist..thanks is so tru.
There are lots of Canada Geese in New Jersey and now they want to shoot them because it keeps a balance.
Her answer: You want to naturally keep the geese population in balance. Well, then REINTRODUCE their natural predetors that you pushed out. Bring back the foxes!!!
~~Rant 10~~
My Freshman Comp Prof. started this little fire.
Why is it that women must adapt to a male world? Why must us women have to know about dumb things like sports, cars and video games? Why must we be the ones who have to stick our necks out and have to learn?..can't men learn sumthin feminine for once?...gawd..i would love to hear a guy bring up something in a conversation that a woman can really relate to.
This is exactly why I only like a select few of the male species(usually older). They are usually well read and have a good head on their shoulders and the willingness to try to understand others female or not(like my Vincent).
~~Rant 11~~
Santa is a pedophile.
Yep u heard right. Think about it. He makes kids sit in his lap and then he gives them presents. A tru pedophile. Damn people r slow.
~~Rant 12~~
Why does it seeem only old people win the lotto?
I dun get it..all the time it seems like these 80 sumthing yr old peeps r winning the lotto. And then they like die from the sux..maybe when i am 80 i'll win the lotto and then die the next day.
~~Rant 13~~
Price is Right is rigged
Yep it is. It is pretty amazing to me how the old people who can hardly win sumhow end up with $1000 dollars and in the showcase showdown. Good luck? I dun think so
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