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Welcome to my illustrations page.

The pictures are thumbnails. The numbers by the pictures are links to their descriptions, and the numbers by the descriptions are links to the picture... I did this for easier manueverability...

If you like my style, I am doing this page so I can get hired, you know get up on my feet. If you are interested my e-mail address is

Also I have some of my Star Trek drawings at this link. Not many so far, but it looks like this is gonna be a streak...


2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.



That is my most recent scene for a friend. They gave me their story and asked me to do them a scene.


That was cool little skater dude. It started with two ovals that I wound up making into his sunglasses.


I drew that of my dog Dagmar, for my brother. He paid me $5 for it... My official first paying job. hehe


It's Obi-Wan... Without the braid and pony-tail being as technicaly he is a sim character of mine who has an uncanny resemblence to Ewan McGregor in his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi...


That one was me doodling on a piece of notebook paper.


That one is Obi-Wan animade... I had fun...


That one is Patrick my first succesful realistic style drawing...


That was just me having fun with a different style, and it wound up looking pretty cool.


This was the result of my Christmas present.. gell pens and black paper... fuuun...


That one is what will be my cover picture for my story, Wolf Child.

Page Created by:
Holly McColloch Author/Illustrator

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