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Andath the Bard
(NPC of Debbie Sutherlin)

(Portrait by Dj Sutherlin)

Andath stands at  6'1", 190lbs. and has silver gray hair, a short beard and a moustache. Andath is not handsome. He has pock-marked skin, a very long face with a massive nose and walks with a limp from a crooked leg. However if you look at him you are still attracted to him because of the twinkle in his eyes. His ready smile and joyful countenance is contagious and handsome or not, people love Andath.

He is well-traveled and quite knowledgeable on many things. However entertaining is his forte. He can regale a group with stories until the wee hours and no one knew but a breath had passed. He can keep them enraptured in a tale for hours at a time. His singing voice is a deep baritone and sends chills up the spine with its intense power.

Andath has served as a spy for the Academy many times as he traveled plying his trade.
He has become one of the best known and most well-loved bards of Uen Country.


Rainbow's End is the creation of Amber McNett
Page Designed and Maintained by player Rebecca Engelmann