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Private Janis & Juniper

Janis is a long legged, pinch faced wisp of a woman with a cascade of dark, shining hair, and dreamy grey eyes. She strides into the room, her voice a husky, rumbling alto. Possesses an impish grin and can be a bit cheeky, though she is considered to be very capable. Calls young women "Girlie."

(Portrait by Rebecca Engelmann)

Janis is Bonded with Juniper, a sky-coloured mare who has a long, spiralling horn extending from her chiselled, sky colored head.  Both have been posted out in Derico for the last several years. Janis is in her mid-thirties in 105 and Juniper is about 20 years old.


Rainbow's End is the creation of Amber McNett
Page Designed and Maintained by player Rebecca Engelmann