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(Portrait and concept by Regina Carey)


Serenity is a smallish stallion, with a charming manner and a lazy good nature. He has a gentle tolerance for foals and young children, and a fierce determination to protect them, making him a perfect guardian for the younglings. Though he does have a bit of trouble keeping the energetic youths occupied.

He is indifferent to most restrictions, as long as they don't interfere with his freedom to dream, and explore. When he's not watching over young ones. Very little excites him to violent action, unscathed by other's insults or recriminations. Insults just roll off his back. He doesn't really care what others think of him. He knows who he is and is happy with himself. But when he is roused to anger, he often fights back with a sarcastic and caustic tongue, though his anger is soon forgotten and he's back to his serene self.

His power is the ability to sense souls in people. Not if they've an evil or good soul, just whether or not they have one. An average fighter.

STATS: 15h, male, Blue with white markings, age 4 years, born @ academy, first listed 5/1/01


Rainbow's End is the creation of Amber McNett
Page Designed and Maintained by player Rebecca Engelmann