Known throughout the Academy for his sunny disposition, wisdom, and an uncanny knack to make others feel good about themselves, Skylark may be rather large for a unicorn, but carries himself well. Powerful and athletic, but with no passion for fighting, Skylark's true love is communications: he is truly a born psychologist, and his analysis of other's psyches sometimes tends to be a bit intimidating in their accuracy. Personality-wise, Skylark is loyal, emotionally solid, cheerful, but still somewhat quiet.
His talent involves a strong rapport with birds...they seem to be drawn to him, and he has been known to exchange a words with a finch or falcon. Skylark is also a master at chess, and spends much time in the Library with Otsuego's magnificent set. A solid and strong, but unpassionate fighter.
STATS: 17.1h, Male, Cream&Russet, age 5 years, born @ Academy, first listed 12/1/97
Rainbow's End is the creation of Amber McNett
Page Designed and Maintained by player Rebecca Engelmann