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[Portrait by Debbie Sutherlin]


A poet and true romantic, Vertigo spends his free time writing music and very beautiful poetry, which is renowned throughout Uen. It may be irksome to some when Vertigo breaks out into verse in the middle of a conversation, but whoever Bonds to him will probably love him for it. Gallant and gentlemanly to the extreme, he is the poetic epitome of chivalry, and most of the mares harbor a secret crush on him, though Vert would never know it. While he is quite attuned to beauty of all kinds, he is innocently oblivious to everyday, "common sense" could say his head is lost in the clouds of idealism while his feet are nowhere near the ground. Besides, he probably wouldn't be much of a beau to any mare, as he could never love her any more than he loved his music or poetry or beauty of any kind...though a Bond might be quite another matter. A brave and skilled fighter, Vertigo uses his talent of causing others to experience vertigo for short periods of time to aid his technique. His is loathe, however, to hurt anyone unless they have attacked him first, or insulted or injured someone he loves. Was quite close to Dawnhaze before he Bonded and was assigned elsewhere; they used to write poetry together.

STATS: 16.1h, male, dappled moss, age 6 years, born @ Academy, first listed 2/9/99


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