Derells are massive, powerful wild dogs. Predators, they are excellent hunters who travel in packs of 6 to 9. Some packs, if there is enough food in the area, have managed to reach 15 in strength. The packs are always lead by a mated lead pair of Derells and the 'top dog' can be either matriarchal or patriarchal. Derells can be found in any forested area. And often, there are more than one pack per forest, fighting for hunting territories.
Having thick coarse hair, the Derells are brown, black or gray in color. And the males have slightly longer hair on their chins, giving them a bearded look. Some do have mixed colorings giving their coats a patterned look.
Hunting in groups, these animals can bring down game bigger than they are, even a unicorn. Though they are obviously more wary of these magical prey. Aware of the powers granted them by the light. Making them a much more dangerous prey. But even wild unicorn herds have lost the occasional foal to these predators. Growing to about 4' to 4'6" tall, they are powerfully built dogs of muscle. Having a life expectancy of about 5 to 6 years, they reach sexual maturity within 9 months, just in time for the next mating season.
Females come into season in Late winter. But the lead female will not tolerate other cubs and does whatever she can to prevent the other females from bearing any. Likewise, the lead male will not tolerate other males trying to mate either. By mid spring, when game is plenty, 2 to 6 pups are born to the pack. And if any other female managed to bear pups, the lead female will try to track down this other brood and will slaughter them if she's successful.
The lead Derell's pups are treated much differently. Where a lesser female has to protect and care for her illegitimate brood on her own, the Lead female's brood are watched over, fed, protected and cared for by all the pack.
If a lesser female Derell can manage to keep her own pups from being
found and slaughtered by the lead female for 6 months, then her pups, now
able to at least fight back, can be introduced into the pack with less
fear of the lead female killing them.
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Rainbow's End is the creation of Amber McNett
Page Designed and Maintained by player Rebecca Engelmann