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The Inferis

- Bastard sword

- exactly 50 inches in length

-hilt is exactly 10" in length, while the blade is exactly 40"

- blade is 3.7 inches in width nearest to hilt

- 8.3 lbs in weight

- weilded with lightweight alloy mythril and a certain 'dark element' (a pure black rock with edges and sharpness equal to a diamond, a strong surface which has the equal strength of titanium. This is set in the Inferis' second layer and core layer only. It was brought from an Underworld realm, the name of the element is unknown, but can carry almost unlimited amounts of magickal attributes and abilities, invoked with specific rituals performed by the 'master of the sword'.)

- the sword has a certain 'spiritual' connection and devotion to it's master. All magickal effects from the sword are activated through spellcasting words, which can either be chanted out loud by the master, or focused through the mind and heart of the master (note: the process of making the Inferis perform a magickal duty through heart and mind takes longer than it would through chanting.}

- -only- the master of the Inferis can control it's non-physical actions. Once the connection between the sword and the master are set, it cannot be changed or diminished. The soul of the sword comes under complete control of the master's soul, therefore becoming a part of it.

Current Magickal Effects invoked within the sword:
- If the first layer is broken away from the second layer or deeper in any way, the sword will "bleed" a dark red substance with the same structure as Ravage's blood. This "blood" has several different effects.
- if it comes in contact with any material {excluding metals or the same dark element) the cells of the blood will rapidly eat away at the cells it comes in contact with, giving the same effect as sulphuric acid, only it doesn't burn and doesn't last as long.
- the blood can evaporate itself into a massive gas structure that will turn dark grey as soon as it comes in contact with oxygen {if not existing within oxygen, it will remain a dark red shade}. This gas has a couple abilities- if inhaled it will enter the bloodstream of the victim within seconds and slow down the flow of blood immensely, making the victim sleepy and slower, weakening the muscles and relaxing the heart's pumping.- another effect is that the gas could come in contact with the victim's eyes, sensing the retina and clouding against the surface of the eye, making thick but small clouds directly infront of the pupil, causing a sort of blindness.- The gas will always make a cloud, and when in contact with one's body will travel upwards with the warmth of his or her body towards the head, where it will form it's cloud and stay hovering until inhaled or formed against a pupil. However, it can be shaken if the victim makes a sudden move like a roll, cartwheel, or backward flip; running will not lose the cloud if it is already 'attached' to it's victim.
- Note: the two abilities of the gas cannot be done at the same time, and neither blood abilities can affect the undead.

- Since the powers of the Inferis and Ravage's soul entertwine, the emotions within Ravage can be channeled into the blade itself, causing some specific effects and abilities through the Inferis. Currently, the only emotions that can be channeled into the Inferis from it's master are those caused by anger, resentment, frustration, hatred, and of course malice. With these emotions, the blade of the Inferis can perform the ability to self-combust, making the core glow in a reddish hue, and form an unusual but deadly flame on the outside of the sword.
- when the blade of the Inferis combusts, the flame will appear over every square inch of the sword (hilt included), in a lower stage. The longer the master focuses his emotions on the blade the higher and more powerful the flame will grow. There are 3 stages to the flame's growth,

Stage 1 {Infer}: the flame is only a couple inches long, and inflicts minimal damage, taking triple the time to hurt the victim than that of the maximum stage.

Stage 2 {Infernis}: the flame grows to 6 inches in length, and inflicts medium damage, taking twice as much time to hurt the victim than that of the maximum stage.

Stage 3 {Inferno}: the flame grows to 12 inches in length, and inflicts maximal damage, hurting the victim -as soon- as it comes in contact with him or her.
- like stages, there are different parts to the flame the second it appears. It is tri-colored, and each color of the flame inflicts a different kind of damage to the victim. Each color equally holds the mass of the flame. The flame consists of red, yellow, and blue. {Examples will be as if the flame is touching someone's lower arm.}

Red flame {top}: will lick and wrap to the form of the arm, singeing furre instantly and pulling the flesh away like an ordinary fire.

Yellow flame {middle}: will soften the flesh and make it raw, making it tender and easier to pull away, also making the blood dry.

Blue flame {bottom}: will absorb most energy forms on contact {ex: the opponent shoots a ball of light, fire, ice, etc. at the sword and the blue flame will absorb it; the stolen energy will make the blue flame flicker even faster, increasing the pressure.}, it is the flame with the most pressure out of the 3, giving it the ability to crush bones, and heat metal rapidly. {note: if stage 3, the blue flame can turn the area of a full body armor red hot in seconds, allowing the other flames to pull the metal away.}, and last but not least, the final ability of this blue flame is that it can turn water into steam on contact.

And to conclude this ability, I must note that everything this flame can do varies on the stage, so seeing as stage 1 takes triple the time of stage 3, it'd take about 3 seconds of holding the flame up to something to make it begin it's damage, in stage 2 it'd take 2 seconds, in stage 3 the damage begins the moment the flame touches the target. At stage 1, the damage will take longer to deal even after the 3 second wait, and so on. {One last note: the flame has 0 effect on Ravage. These are his emotions, not just another wild flame.}

As of now, these are the only special abilities born within the Inferis. More may come later.