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Sir Ravage (Detailed)


Sir Ravage is neither Holy nor Evil. He expresses himself in his image as he truly feels; a lonely, bleak person with few respected friends and aquaintences, although he does offer his respect to those that confront or have confronted him likewise. He is almost considered a mute, because of his nature in being silent, but when speaking, can be somewhat judged as a kind-hearted, and generous person.

Attire: Clad in just a pair of black leather pants held up by a spiked belt and a pair of large black steel toed boots. His right arm is mostly covered in tattoos and he has no head hair except for two long dreadlocks just above his forehead flowing down to his waist, the bottom half of each bearing sharp razors, usually pulled behind his ears. A sash crosses over his chest, and a leather sheath lay on his back bearing a great sword of mythril and dark element; the Inferis.

The long 50 inch bastard sword he carries, which he named the 'Inferis' lies on an angle against his back, being covered and held by a black leather sheath which is simply held by a thin bungy-type string from his right shoulder to his waist on his left.

Armour: Underneath his sleeveless shirt his body is lined with a thin iron based mail, which has small beads of linked mythril coating it, giving this armour just enough thickness to prevent most average peircing and/or cuts. The same armour is crafted into a pair of thin leggings, worn under his leather pants, but not too noticeable.

Features: He has no hair on his head, except for the two long dreadlocks just above his forehead and eyebrows, long enough to hang down to his waist, though are usually pulled back behind his ears, hanging down to the back of his shoulders. Each bottom halves of the dreadlocks are set with deadly razors, holding the locks of hair together as well. He looks his age, and his face looks very mysterious, as if he is watching every move around him carefully. He has a little amount of facial hair, but it is not too noticeable. Both of his ears are peirced and each hold a gold hoop, his right eyebrow is also peirced, holding a small silver rod with small pyramid-like spikes on each end of it. He has a few tattoos on his body, but there is no use giving detail to that.

The History of Sir Ravage

Birth to 11 - From his own memories, he cannot remember any trace of a mother or father. Jean Pierre Saccager was abandoned and raised on a desolate island, a long ways southwest of present day Kasuria. Brought up by a family of Orcish race, who were called the "Karbenkl", living in the center of this deserted island, which was swarmed with thick forest bearing a dark hue which seemed to cast cold ruthless shadows over the whole island, hinting to the savagery that survived off what moderate resources lay on the small 2 mile long land mass. Through his early ages, J.P. lived his life believing that the Orcs were his true family and race, despite his major difference. He lived in a damp cave, just on the outskirts of the Orc village/encampment, with two others, one being a large strict mother-orc which took on the symbol of his 'mother', and another smaller orc, being the only other child in the small household who took on the symbol of his own brother. As J.P. was raised, he was slowly taught language, mostly in the Common tongue, for not every Orc in the village spoke strictly the beastly orc tongue. Though learning went slow, through language, survival, labor, and of course killing and hunting, little J.P. was heavily abused by most of the other orc in the village, not including the ones in his own household, or the few that took up the job to treat him normally and teach him the basic ways of living and surviving. Life as a child was rough, and J.P. was constantly encouraged to kill. There would be small bands of travelers, of the same or identical race of J.P himself that would come apon the island every now and then, and he would be forced to kill them as soon as their boats took the beach. This of course was kind of hard for him, because he knew he was different and he wanted to have the chance to talk to the ones that were more identical to him. But doing so would result in his own execution; so in the wild ways of slaughter he had been trained in, a young J.P. would end up hauling long sharply-tipped pikes through the bowels of the newcoming travelers without a second thought, spilling blood onto the white sands at his feet. There were also many other younger orc at his side, put to the same task.

12 to 15 - As J.P. grew, so did his curiousity, of course to see the world and to learn about the people that were out there, and not just the savage ways of the orc people, who seemed to treat him like just another pig in it's pen. By the time he hit his adolescence stage, J.P. was fully educated by the ways and beliefs of the orc, and he was now just like them - hating everything out there, and not giving a damn about what there is to be done. Only survival and slaughter were on his mind. By this time he was close to his brotherly orc friend, who was his one of few trusted friends in the village; others being his motherly orc gaurdian, and another being his prime teacher, an elderly one, who actually was the reason J.P. hadn't gone completely insane in his early days. Three days after his fifteenth birthday, {birthdays never being celebrated in the village of course} word came to the watchers of the island that there was a couple foreign looking battleships on the way to the island, just on the horizon. This of course started a panic in the village, orcs left and right were dashing about to prepare the optimal defences of the island. J.P. watched as orcs rushed from their caves, fully clad in the thick armor made from wood and bone and bearing long pikes and sturdy axes to gather near the front of the island and hide themselves in the thick containments of the trees where they would not be seen, and could therefore attempt an ambush on the incoming beings, whatever those ships held. By the time the ships came into clear site it was obvious that these were worn out troops, possibly fleeing from a previous battle and looking for refuge on the island. The beings onboard were yet again identical to J.P., and there he was, hanging in the high branches of a tree, waiting for them to step into the trap. The numbers on board both ships were many, but not too many more than what the orc clan had, for the ships were fleeing from battle, and most of their numbers were most likely killed or heavily injured. The next thing J.P. knew, the newcomers were being knocked down by the seconds as they set foot into the raw soil of the forest area. The battle started, and it lasted for two days.J.P. however, never once moved a muscle; he stayed in the tree that hid him, for he did not know if he should fight for any side. The battle ended finally, corpses being scattered all over the island, and not one orc left standing. J.P. wept, thinking of the few family he had as he watched the wounded sailors re-board their ships. Just before the last numbers boarded, J.P. leapt down, still keeping himself hidden, as he ripped the armour from one of the intruding soldier's corpse, dressing himself to look just like another worn-out figher coming back from a long hard battle. As he turned towards the open beach, he noticed a familiar body set up against the base of a tree, lifeless; this was the body of his brother, and childhood friend. Again he wept, and slowly knelt over the corpse of his loved orc brother, swearing to continue living, and fight for his lost brother. He kept his head low and successfully boarded the last ship out, feeling bad for what was left behind, but having no other choice.

16 to 20 - The boat trip was long, and eventually J.P. was found to be one of the warriors for the orc clan, bearing a small mark on his right shoulder which symbolized the Karbenkl. He was imediately imprisoned once the ships took to land. For four years he served in a deep prison, out in the middle of nowhere, but somewhere very close to the land of Kasuria. The rules at the underground prison were quite simple, for him anyway; one had to work for small amounts of food, always follow a gaurd's wishes, and never speak a single word infront of those who were not prisoners. Luckily, this seemed to be no problem for J.P., he made it through the years quite alright, yet exhausted from constant working and fighting between prisonmates, as well as the odd torturing for entertaining purposes for the regular gaurds. Never seeing the light of day, and never speaking a word, J.P. was not only losing his speech, but his mind as well. It was on an early summer day that his hard work and punishment had ended; J.P. managed to escape the deep prison, after four years.

21 to present - At this time, he had successfully escaped the prison that had kept him locked in torturing madness for long years. He made his way towards the land he lives in today, Kasuria, though at the time didn't know anything about it. The first area he came apon was Furrabia, where there were many people identical to him that he had never had the chance to talk to. He was quite interested, for this land was new to him. However, he wanted to forget his past as much as he could, and decided he needed to go by a new name; he looked at his name "Jean Pierre Saccager" and thought about it- maybe if he translated that into the common tongue? for it was surely a foreign type of name- what he got from that was "John Peter Ravage" (Saccager is French for Ravage), and it satisfied him, though he did not care for the first two parts. He then gave himself the title of a Knight, just so it would sound better, as 'Sir Ravage', from then on that is how everyone knew him, his full name will never be revealed to any other. The thing about Furrabia that first caught his attention was all the places that held slaves, so that is where he spent most of his time, simply observing the business of slavery. None of it seemed to appeal to him, because it reminded him of a swarm of animals surrounding their selected mate and fighting eachother for it. The whole idea sickened him, and he did not hesitate to walk away from it. As he traveled throughout the main areas of Kasuria, witnessing for himself what this land was all about, he decided the next thing that he should do is get himself a weapon, and a good one at that. He drifted off into the forest lands beyond the Imaginarium, and begun the creation of the Inferis, and the mythril armour that he is still clad with today. The process of making these things was long and took much hard work. Ravage gained the materials needed, and luckily had the help of an experienced blacksmith to mend the pieces together. As the final touches of the Inferis were put on, he felt the connection between him and the sword, and could feel the magick of this sword flowing from inside of him, powering the blade with his own soul; this was of course strange, but it also satisfied him.
He went back to Furrabia, being further interested in that area, for that is where the strangest of furre would be. He ended up going into club after club, trying to figure out what the whole place was about. It was really nothing he had seen before, and it was a little too much for him at the time, because furre would only give him dirty looks, and were never interested in talking to him. It got to the point where he was beginning to hate this place, and this influenced him to check out the other areas of Kasuria. There was probably more to be learned there. But before he did that, he noticed a certain club that seemed to stand out, one that he had not entered before or even seen.
Convincing himself that he might as well see for himself, he walked into the club- called "Club Kashmere". The hour was late, and there were few people in the club. Apon taking a seat at the bar, he was greeted by a kind, cheerful bartender. The first one in this area to ever greet him nicely. Just as he got comfortable, he heard a soft voice beside him- that of a female. The voice was beautiful, and soothing to the heart. He'd never heard anything like it. At this time he met his first friend; her name was Jejn. For Ravage, it was love at first sight, and he knew it, and felt good about it, because she made it so easy for him to do so by just being there. Ravage began coming back to the same club to see her, and was soon introduced to her brother- Kash, the bartender that he found to be the kindest. Ravage and Jejn fell in love, which made Ravage's bad past and malicious way of thinking fade slowly; within one month, they were to be married, and one year later they were wed at that very club (though its name by that time was changed to "Club Kashmir"). Through the time of this, Ravage learned of a place called 'Vah' from Jejn. He learned about most of it's history, including Devkar, De'shane, and the many good and foul furre that passed through it during it's time of greatness, and was even given the chance to see it for himself a few times. Ravage liked it, and always thought of it as a haven for good furre- it was also his love's home.
Going back to when he first had met Jejn, Ravage went through several other things in the time of their relationship. One night in Furrabia, when his new friend Jejn was no where to be found, he encountered the being known as 'Dark Executioner' and went into combat near the Furrabian river with him. The battle was short, and Ravage was very rusty, having had his weapon knocked away and only able to evade attacks to protect his life. However, the being was not there to take his life, but to test him. He was then offered to be recruited in a new group, formed by two dark leaders; he accepted, and was soon escorted to the Cemetary of Imaginarium. Here he met his superiors- two large demoniacs. At first he was quite uncertain, and slightly afraid, but the larger of the two, by the name of Ald Wytch (who is still a good trusted friend of Ravage's at present) proved to be kinder than he looked, and seemed glad to have a new recruitment. The other seemed more strange, and quiet. His name was Coursair, and at the time of hearing that name, Ravage wondered if this was the same Coursair in the stories of Vah, told to him by his new friend Jejn? It was him alright, but Ravage dared not bring anything up. Another furre enlisted in the group was a man named La'han, whom Ravage had learned much about in the stories of Vah, and didn't see fit to trust him at all, even though his rank was higher and Rav would have to answer to him. The group was called "The Endless Shadows" and Ravage was the newest. A few days later, Ravage gained a new friend by the name of "Artemus Vlade", who was a good furre with a strong dignity. He had Artemus recruited to The Endless Shadows as well.
Ravage felt he was in a good position, but the one thing that bothered him was his lack for combat experience in the new land. He confronted Ald, and was told that the one with the job of training newer recruitments was none other than Coursair. Ravage knew Coursair had to be a great fighter, and trainer at that, but out of respect for his new friend (whom he was falling for) and the stories of Vah, he never once went to him to ask about training. Instead, Ravage was there to witness others fighting. He would just sit quietly and out of the way, usually watching Ald slaughter the few demon-slayers that dared to confront him in the back of the cemetary in Image; he also had the chance to meet Devkar's brother De'shane (also a very good friend of Ravage's at present), who was almost always into sparring at Club Kashmir, giving Ravage the chance to sit on the side and watch and learn. As time passed Ravage gained more information about fighting and sword skills, and as the time wound by where he would have to fend for his own life, he was successful in doing so.
The ranks of the Endless Shadows was not getting very far, and this is when Ald joined the group with a much larger one- The Revolution. The Revolution (or the Rev) was lead by an honourable man by the name of Lord Claymore, and had many smaller groups attached to it. From here on, Ravage would serve as a soldier in both the Endless Shadows, and the Revolution. Following this was a sort of 'calm' in Furcadia, where not many guilds were looking for war, and recruitments were still very few- this lead to the breakup of the Endless Shadows, as well as the Revolution.
Time passed, and Ravage was without a guild for a long time; he had also lost interest in anything to do with combat or training, for he was more occupied with his relationship with Jejn, and the possible return of Vah. After a long period of time, Ravage began to put his attention back towards the happenings in Kasuria. He soon met a young man by the name of Tiamas, who offered him a spot in a group called "The NightHawks", which he accepted. Ravage only lasted in the NightHawks for about a week, for Tiamas was secretly planning to kill the second leader, Kashka. This told Ravage that the group was too unstable, and there was obviously not alot of trust going around. A while after leaving the NightHawks, Ravage bumped into Lord Claymore again, and learned that the Revolution was to be ressurected. Ravage immediately pledged his loyalty to the guild, which must of surprised Claymore, for he was promoted to General rank as soon as he joined for the second time. This time, Ravage was certain the Rev would last; he even got to meet many furre he had heard of in stories, such as Arubin, Fireklaw, and a few select others from the Shadowed Sirens. The Rev was doing well as the numbers began to grow with strong forces- but the end was close for the Rev, soon the important members began to lose interest, and eventually went their own ways. This left Ravage once again on his own.
For a long time Ravage remained lonely; even his wife had disappeared. The only furre he had left to really talk to was De'shane. At around this time, Ravage was properly introduced to future commander Sir '//olf, a Knight of the old code in Vah. According to '//olf, the return of the Knights of Vah (and Vah itself) was near. However, Ravage had went his own way at this time, and was not around often to see for himself the return of Vah. A long time passed before Ravage started coming to Vah, and apparently the Knights of Vah were back, though with few numbers. Around this time, he also learned that he had a real younger brother; he searched Kasuria for this brother, who was aparrently named "Dexus" - he eventually found him, and now has some family of his own in this land. Anyway, Ravage joined the Knights of Vah, for he knew this was a group that was strong, even with only a few members active- he also joined through hope of ever being reunited with his long lost wife, Jejn. Within time, Ravage found his wife, and immediately they joined together. Ravage was soon after promoted to the highest rank in the Knights of Vah - Knight Grand Master. He basically decided at this point, having already achieved his goal in the Knights, that he would just settle down with Jejn and continue the marriage and life they had together before they were parted for so long. Ravage doesn't show up at Castle Vah, but still carries the title and earned trophies from his time in the Knights. Ravage and Jejn became so lost in eachother, and spontaneously decided to have a second wedding in public to mend the long cold miles between them. In the meantime, Jejn announced her first pregnancy and the two of them soon came to be the parents of a single daughter, by the name of Swanne. To this day, they live in peace with their daughter in their own home, which is vast and almost endless with beautiful decorations created by Jejn. Ravage has officially laid down his sword and aggression, using it only when necessary to protect his family and close friends. Ravage and Jejn's second and final wedding is yet to take place in their very own home.


Written by Sir Ravage himself

{will be updated after long periods of time}