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The Trent Reznor Shrine

This here is the part of my website that I dedicate to my best role model, Trent Reznor. Why do I think so highly of him? Because his lyrics and the way he writes, to me, is the best way to describe the things you learn in life, such as love, friendships and friendships gone bad, etc.

I do realize that most of his lyrics are either offensive to some or just very angry, but to me it's a perfect way to describe how the human mind works {Also you must understand that, as Marilyn Manson puts it, the people that write these kinds of angry, vulgar lyrics grew up in -your- world, and -your- society for those of you who think song writers like Trent Reznor are just bad influences.} Anyway.. there are many more detailed reasons why I think so highly of Mr. Reznor, but for now just enjoy the pictures ->

Trent #1|Trent #2|Trent #3| Trent #4|Trent #5| Trent #6

Trent #7|Trent #8|Trent #9|A young Trent|Trent and Manson

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