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Trolls are big creatures living in the swamp-like area of Antonica. They are very good for strength, and have good dexterity for their size, but they are quite slow and it takes a while to build up their hit rate, but it is worth it. Like said before, they come from the continent Antonica, right from the city of Grobb, so if ever you travel that way? Beware! These things show no mercy, unless you are of evil class.

(above) A charging troll.. in Kunark?! (Look at the size of that thing! And I thought Iksar were tall.)

Whom I luckily convinced to stand still and take a picture with me =D

And whom convinced me to take a picture of him holding his beer mug...... what a nice guy eh? (But note: this Troll is an actual EQ player.. if this were to be an NPC, I would've been beaten to a bloody pulp if it ever caught me.)