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Phantom Lover

In the middle of the night
before dawn casts its first light,
when you start to stir down deep
a fire building... so you can not sleep,
I'll come to you, your Phantom lover.

Your fire builds, your neck is flush
your fingers feel my breasts, they are so plush.
The fire in your groin is growing
a wind is needed, a cooling blowing.
Put out my fire, my Phantom Lover.

Your fingers find my soft smooth hips
and soon slide into silky wet lips.
I gasp, your touch is so divine...
a puss that needs a tender touch.
Your touch is there, my Phantom Lover.

Was it a kiss that caressed my lips,
that brushed my nips and then my hips?
A warm breath, a lick, that touched you a bit...
then caressed the sweetness, my throbbing clit.
My kisses are real, I am your Phantom Lover.

It builds within, the fire of passion.
The kisses, licks and touches push me to the edge
of ecstasy, of emotions so blessed
that until you find release, you can not rest.
I am here, now, your Phantom Lover.

I can feel you now, pressing on my petals...
to fill me up, so big, so hard, akin to metal.
Love tho, that throbs inside you so,
an increasing rhythm, ever building like Bolero.
We fall together, in to the warmth of bliss....
For I am your dream lover, your Phantom Lover.





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