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The color drains from her face Like water from a sponge Almost tidal Leaving behind the line of waste Debris of her now ebbing life. Blood washes the dirty floor clean Flame red Not the usual kitchen floor linoleum shade But a change is as good as a rest they say They… Always They. So much blood They said eight pints ? She drops her gaze now to the floor Easier than looking forward So tired Who's arms are they anyhow ? They, always They. Never her Never seen as a person Cinderella had it real good Prince fucking charming and all that They always have happy endings THEY always have everything Noise in her ears now Fuzzy sound So dim in here, still daylight though Pins and needles, long gone Just numb now, still smiling Blood drying and sticky now They won't like the mess, tough shit. They don't like anything she does Judge & jury they always were Not now She called this shot She, not They. Too long in this life, to live a life They had her chained from the start As a child she suffered As a girl she suffered As a woman she died Her way, she chose, not They.





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