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My Pictures

Woohoo! Here it is! ^-^ My collection of pictures... this includes fanart, KiSS dolls, and whatever other pictures are sent to me! If you have any fanart of me or the other element senshi, send it to me! =9 So, here are the pictures! Please be patient as some of these are rather large and take awhile to load. ^-^

By Cammy

A kawaii videogame version of me! I love it! ^-^                  Me in a cute outfit! So pretty!                  Me in a Calvin Klein outfit! Cool! ^_^

By Aurora

A perfect and beautiful drawing of Sailor Wind that I love!

By Sailor Sagittarius

A VERY pretty Angel Wind! Yay!

By Sailor Glasstitan

I really love this one too! My first animated gif! *sniffles*

By Sailor Moonbug

A way kawaii picture of me with a boyfriend of some sort... I really love this picture! *giggles*