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My Little Herbal For Women of ALL Ages

This is my WONDERFUL little herbal beauty guide, with stuff I got from many sources. So have fun reading it and becoming more beautiful naturally.


Rosemary for oily hair. Add a handful to about 20oz cold water in a pan. Bring to boil and then simmer for 15 minutes. Strain. Use liquid to swab roots of hair, leave in overnight if possible the wash as usual. Use remainder of infusion for final rinse.

Onion will help brittle hair. You have to be brave to try it though! Rub slices of raw onion over the hair roots before shampooing, then wash as usual.

Sesame oil will darken or restore color to dark hair. Crush two tablespons of seeds and simmer in one cup of water for 20 minutes. Strain and use liquid as final rinse for hair after shampoo. Leave in for awhile before rinsing out.

Egg will revitalize dull, brittle hair. Beat two eggs until fluffy. Work into clean hair. Leave on for at least half an hour. Rinse with warm water, shampoo, rinse with cider vinegar, and then more warm water.

Cider vinegar will soften and glossify. Add one tablespoon to final rinse water to restore hair pH thrown off with commercial shampoos.

Chammomile to lighten. Simmer two heaped tablespoons of dried herb in 20oz water for 20 minutes, then strain. Use liquid to swab over hair before shampoo, then use the rest for final rinse. Keep pouring infusion over and over, catching in a basin for reuse. Blot hair and dry naturally. DON'T rinse it out!!! Adding marigold or cowslips will lighten it even more.

Sage will darken hair too. Infuse two tablespoons each of red sage and rosemary in 20oz water. Use regularly as final rinse to gradually darken hair, and leave a nice subtle perfume.

Lemon will clean and shine hair effectivly. Take a lemon, wash and slice it, remove the seeds, and grind it to pulp in a food processer or belnder. Filter through muslin or other thin cloth and mix with equal parts cider vinegar. After washing hair blot with towel and give scalp light rub. Leave in for ten minutes, then rinse out.


Orange will prevent veins from showing. Take orange pulp and apply on clean face, neck, and hands, Let sit twenty minutes then rinse off.

Avacodo to smooth. Spread flesh over skin, or sub with inside of peel, and let it dry for about ten minutes. Rinse off.

Apricots feel great on the face. Rub the flesh over your skin and let it sit for twenty minutes or so, then rinse it off.

Finely grated carrot mixed with olive oil or grated orange peel mixed with yogurt both make nourishing masks.

A honey mask to moisturize skin. It's sticky, but tasty, and smells great! Ties your hair back and spread honey over your face. Let it sit for twenty minutes and then rinse it off.

Apple juice also feels good and cleans your face. Swab it liberally on face wit a cotton ball and let it sit a few minutes, then wash it off. Pure grape juice or a smashed graps mask has the same effect.

Peach flesh pressed over the skin of the face will restore pH balance.


Horsetail will strengthen nails. Add one teaspoon dried herb to one pint of water, infuse for thirty minutes. Soak finger or toe-tips in infusion for awhile, then let dry naturally.

Lavander will help greasy acne. Pour one pint of water over a handful of stems, flowers, and stalks. Cover and infuse for ten minutes. Strain and use as face wash three times a day.

Steaming skin with hot infusions of lavander, yarrow, or chamomile will clense and prevent pimples. Make sure to blot dry with a tissue afterwards.

Apply cucumber juice every night and remove after ten minutes with light rose water to treat acne.

Tea Tree oil will help pimples and postules. Dip a cotton swab in it and apply three to four times a day. Be careful with it as some people are allergic to the oil on the face. ~*~THIS WORKS!!!~*~ I swear it does. I used it for a week on some stubborn pimples and voila - they're practically gone! A quick note: it dries out your face, so moisturiser lotion is good stuff. :)

This is a list of books I have used that are magnificent, with recipes for herbal beauty and health care

A handy little website for natural cosmetics

A lovely little sight with a plethora os recipes for natural beauty!
