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Abby's World!

Several crazy things my friends say about me:

Links, beautiful Links...

The Best Belly Dancing Site Ever!
My Pathetic Little Fanfiction Stories...
Join Me In Saving The World!
Everything You Could Possibly Want To Know (and maybe some stuff you don't) About My Friends
Want To Be More Beautiful, Naturally?
Everyone's Got To Have a Passion, And THIS is Mine...
My Wonderful Art Gallery! Come See NOW!!!
Wanna See Some Great Photo Effects? Go Here!
My Own Personal Shrine to THE SEXIEST (Sadly Fictional) Character of All Time!
The Absolutely Drop-to-the-ground-cracking-up-so-hard-you're-crying-and-can't-breathe Very Secret Diaries of Lord of the Rings Characters! You Just Can't Miss 'Em. So Funny You'll Have to Read Them Again and Again. Go NOW And Laugh!!!

Hi, I'm Abigail, called Abby occasionally by my friends. Also Slim Fast, Almond Roca, and Abs (if they feel like getting dived onto by me in an attempt to make them stop with the stupid nickname). :) Wanna know why there are a bunch of pictures of me on this site? Because this is MY web page, and it's all about ME, that's why! :) Anyways, I'm rambling - yeah, I do that a lot - but now that you're all good and scared I'll tell you all about me.

Alright, first thing's first: I am truly going crazy, That established, we can move on. I have decided I am going crazy based on some very hard evidence. This is: I enjoy belly dancing, I ride horses religiously, I am officially obsessed with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, I eat and eat and eat and never get any fatter, I want to marry a fictional character, and I draw pictures in class. That is why I'm crazy.

Now that you know why I'm crazy we can get on to the real business - my wonderful links. Visit every one of 'em - I worked hard on those dern things! And some of them are pretty good, too. :-P Go check them ALL out, every one, NO skipping around! :)

Well, that's all for now, I guess. Hopefully my page will get more interesting as time goes on, but for now enjoy my meager contribution to the variety of useless trash on the Internet. Au revoir!

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