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The Sexiest Book (and Movie) Character of All Time: Legolas

As we all know, the sexiest book character of all time is J.R.R. Tokien's Legolas son of Thranduil (I spelled his dad's name wrong, but who cares?), and prince of the Northern Mirkwood. Why is he so sexy? Let's review:

1) He has that gallant "white-knight" disposition that makes you melt

2) He has a very large.....bow ;)

3) He has gorgeous hair you want to play with. Hehehe....

4) He will protect his friends (a.k.a YOU!) at all costs

5) He is loyal

6) He likes horses, boats, and long walks in the forest. Can we ask for more?

Well, as we all know, Who's your Fellowship fella?, so it should be no surprise to you that I should want to set up a little gallery shrine to my true love - we're getting married, you know - Legolas. (By the way, I decided we were getting married a long time ago, 6th grade actually, when my parents took us to France and no one spoke English. So I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy (which my brother had brought along), promptly fell in love with Legolas as I was reading The Two Towers, and cemented this passion with the fact that he stays single throughout all of the books. Waiting for me, obviously. ;) So there it is - a little tale of true love. Now you all know.) So anyway, here it is: a collection of THE BEST pictures of this handsome hunk that can be found on the web. And to Orlando Bloom, who portrayed Legolas so very admirably, if you ever get to this page, I just have to say You're very sexy! And dye your hair blond, because you look damn good brunette (Black Hawk Down was exceedingly enjoyable on that point, although it was just a tad bit gory for me. And I like war movies!), but blond is just WOW! Enjoy the eye candy ladies! (and gents...)

This picture was the one I saw that made me fall in love with the Orlando-portrayed Legolas origionally. *Sigh* Isn't he dreamy?

Mrawr, look at those smouldering eyes! He looks so sexy here. :)

Hel-lo Cupid, shoot that arrow MY way!

A man who loves horses is automatically boosted to sexpot status.

HOT DAMN!!! But does he look GOOD here! I'm sorry, but horseback riding just boosts a guys sex appeal by about 3000%. Can we ride double?

It's good to be royalty, isn't it? I've gotta get me some of these gaming cards...

Aww, he looks so in awe. It's so CUTE!! Don't you just wanna go hug him? But don't smoosh the bow! :)

*Running around in circles squeeling* It's SO adorable the way he takes such good care of his arrows! I wanna help too! I'd oil them very well...

See? He is very loyal, that just makes you quiver.

Hey, why have just one when you can have THREE? I really, REALLY like this pic.

He has such a nice butt. We don't get to see enough of it, but I thought this picture just captured his character perfectly. Poised like a cat, looking out for his friends. I'm in love!

He's such a sportsman, it just makes you tingle! Not to mention he can manage to spear you with just one look from one eye, now THAT takes some serious skills.

A classic picture of Legolas. Can you believe that hair's not real?

Legolas in the midst of battle. He is just too sexy to handle, no wonder the enemy is scared off! They just can't compete with the droves of screaming girls who follow our favorite Elf around.

Mmmmm, delicious. Soft music, dark candlelight, and him looking good enough to eat. I will stop now.

See? He likes taking girls on romantic boat rides! Oh wait, that's just them escaping from Lothlorien...never mind...

This picture is a little grainy (tragically) but he is STILL gorgeous! I love seeing Legolas just standing there looking all sexy without any distractions... *drool*

Oooh, shooting in the sunset, how romantic!

He looks so adorable in his white robes. :-P

Mmmm, he looks incredibly handsome here, doesn't he?

This is a great clip, from where he first looks around in wonder. Don't you just wanna squeeze him?!?!

He was the first one out of the snow. YAY!

I wonder what he's thinking about....Me, maybe! :-P

Is your favorite picture not here? E-mail it to me and (if I like it - and I like almost everything with Legolas in it!) I'll add it on the page. Thanks for visiting!

Dislaimer: I'm using all these pictures (which I got from a variety of online resources) with the knowledge that they are NOT copywrited and therefore available for anyone to use. If any of these do happen to be privatly owned or anything like that please alert me and I will remove them from my site. Thank you.
