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I Wanna Be A Supermodel!

This is a page soley designed for me to show you how gorgeous I am, and show off my loverly picture effects! I hope you like the sploominess!

Here is the first one - you recognize it, it's on the first page too. It's just me looking all sexy and dryad-y! What a cute picture, kudos to Arwen and Becca for dressing me up, and Heather for being a great photographer.

Entitled: Dryad in the Summertime. A fine old turn-of-the-century painting, as you can see, straight out of a museum, with fine use of color and gentle brush strokes. It looks so soft and lifelike. I wonder who the artist could be...

Even dryads can be snow queens! This one looks cold and unforgiving. Don't piss her off, she'll turn you into an icicle.

And here's an antique photograph of a dryad! Who knew they had dryads back then? Well, obviously they did, owing to the rusty coloring of that photo paper. I bet this was done with those old lead plate things too...

And it's the next big comic book series, entitled "Dreamy Dryads!" Starring.... Delilah the Dryad, shown here in comic style. Isn't she lovely, ladies and gentlemen? And she fights evil too by throwing leaves and half-eaten figs at them too. :) It's very exciting.

From ancient Egypt, land of the pharaohs, comes a miraculous new discovery by the world's leading archeologists. A carving was found on the wall of a tomb depicting a dryad in full splendor - and this from a country made primarily from desert! Obviously a Nile dryad, the experts assume she was some kind of goddess of the harvest the Egyptians used to worship in order to ensure a good crop. Move over, Isis, this Dryad's comin' through!

You're dying of thirst and hunger in the desert. All the sand stretches on for miles around, no sign of anyone or anything in sight. You are sure you will soon perish. But then on the horizon a beautiful sight - a dryad holding all sorts of bountiful things, fresh fruits and vegetables, and sitting by a gurgling fountain of water. She smiles invitingly, and you start foreword, but she keeps getting farther away. Is this magnificent apparition real, or only a mirage?

You were studying the reflection of a beautiful dryad in the pond, leaning over on your branch so you can get a better look. but then - alas! - a twig breaks off and strikes the water, spreading out the reflection in a thousand tiny ripples. When the water clears, the dryad has retreated back into the forest from whence she came.

The world rushes by at an insane pace, people hurrying everywhere and not stopping to smell the flowers. In the midst of all the crazy bustle one dryad sits along, pondering her fate as the world whizzes by.

Someone got a little sloppy with the paintbrushes here, and scrwed up someone's lovely drawing! Although, come to think of it, those smudgy blotches do give it a certain character... Before you know it the unknowing sabatager becomes more famous than Picasso for his perfectly surreal piece.

And lastly but not elastly we celebrate the wonder of autumn, with leaves turning magnificent reds, golds, and browns, falling from the trees. Dryads, too, change their raiment with the seasons. She has already taken on a more festive shade to match the celebration the trees themselves put on.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little fiasco, and do please e-mail me with your comments on all my delightfully dryadish works! :)
