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My Wonderful Friends!

No personal website would be complete without a list of one's friends, their qualities, their quirks, and everything else about them that isn't considered blackmail. ;) So here it is, my wonderful page all about my wonderful pals. Or palletts, maybe...something like that.

Pallette #1 (just for the record - these are in no particular order, I'm just writing about them in the order I can think of things to say about them!): Heather I have known since 6th grade. We were joined together by the love of horses and stickers, and by the distaste for the annoying boys in our band class. Come to think of it, those boys are just as annoying now... Anyway, she doesn't have a web page as far as I can tell - Heather claims she hates the Internet but I just KNOW she's lying - but enjoys hanging out with everybody and talking about random things. Very random. As I was saying, she likes horses, and we go to riding lessons each week together, with Liz (more on her later). We also volunteer at the Woodland Park Zoo together on Saturdays, so if you're in town come check us out, we're with the ponies. :)

Some funny/cool/interesting/random things about Heather: **She can make an extremely hilarious/frightening face when you mention XP in the middle of a D&D game! **She loves to join me in drip & melt sessions upon mention of Josh Hartnett/Elijah Wood **She definitly has the prettiest eyes of all my friends, I am very jealous of them. Too bad she can't see properly with them, but that's another story... **She is much, MUCH too shy. She wouldn't even go up to the teacher to ask if she could pass out candy canes at Christmas! She made me go up there and ask for her...shame on you, Heather! **She likes going to Costa Rica so she can be whistled at by the males of the species. She's already been two times and is going again in the Spring. **She tap dances and takes modeling classes **She is Wind, like, yeah!

Pallette # 2: K! does not want her real name to be said. She thinks it's embarrassing, or maybe just plain, or something, but for whatever reason she just prefers everyone to call her K!. She's a really good artist - Blip is her creation, and if you havn't already you simply MUST MUST MUST go to and see him. Blip is so cool! K! gave us all shirts to be the official Blip fan club, and they're very perty. Alright, enough about Blip, more about K!. Especially since K! has stopped drawing Blip and has moved on to more dark and twisted characters. :( BLIP!!! We met minorly a couple years ago at lunch, but majorly in our D&D sessions. D&D really made us all - okay, not ALL, but most of the people listed here - come together. It is a great bonding experience if you do it with your friends, so if you havn't tried it yet you should. It is so much fun talking to your friends in and out of character over snacks and many different many-sided dice. Mucho funno. Alright, enough about D&D, more about K!. Gee, most of the cool stuff about K! belongs in this next section, huh? Well, here goes!

Some funny/cool/interesting/random things about K!: **She wears all black to school except for her socks, which never match. :) ~UPDATE!!~ She has started to wear colors again. YAY! **She dyed her hair bright cherry red, but now it has faded to a pretty shade of pink. **K! can draw very well and write extremely well too. You should read some of her stories, but I'll let her explain that. :) **Her room is almost completely covered with cutout pictures. It is a little overwhelming at first, but cool to just stare at the walls and each picture after you get used to it. Very fun to count the number of times a specific character turns up! **K! really likes watching Anime shows. I know absolutely nothing about them, so you'll have to talk to her for more details. **She also wears glasses too, like me. Go glasses-people! :)

Pallette # 3: Arwen I met basically during our D&D sessions too. She knew K!, Heather, and Becca longer than me, but being the wonderful person she is took poor little me into the group. She has a cool room, too. It has two stories with a closet-type thing and stuff on the bottem, then a ladder with a couch, bed, hidey-hole, and other cool nitches are. I love going to her room because it is just so different from everybody else's. Yup, I go off on tangents, as you can tell. :) More about Arwen: she is lots of fun to giggle with in cooking class - I'm sure the teacher thinks we're very bad girls and don't concentrate on our work, but seriously, cooking was SUCH a no-brainer class! She is also very helpful with my wardrobe, always picking very nice combinations for me to wear to school.

Some funny/cool/interesting/random things about Arwen: **First and foremost: she is despratly in love with Denali. We rush away from cooking class every day to go stand near his clasroom and catch a glimpse of his heavenly face... ~UPDATE~ No longer Denali, it is now a new fling~ Or soulmate, rather. **As a follow-up on that, she will on occasion fall off the couch and curl up into a little ball on the floor and start squealing when the beloved's name is mentioned. It is most amusing! :) **She is very good at the laughing game. Seriously, we were trying to make her laugh and the girl started crying! It gets depressing after awhile. Definitly don't play with her if you want a self-esteem boost. **She loves, and I repeat LOVES Scotland with a passion. She wants to live there eventually. Not the worst place you could pick to live, right? **She already has her children all planned out, names and order of birth and everything. I am definitly no that prepared for motherhood. **Her name comes from the Tolkein Lord of the Rings series. Arwen Evenstar. Cool, huh?

Pallette #4: Becca is our wonderful DM, who we all love very very much and we can't wait until she can decide what's gonna heppen next in the D&D game. :) I met Becca in History class, really, but didn't get to know her until the year after that. We ate lunch together and, of course, there was D&D. She is the DM which basically means untimate power over us hapless players, and we love her because she is such a kind and generous DM. Yes, I am sucking up here, just let me finish. Becca likes to wear pretty clothes and go shopping at the mall which is good because then she can organize those things and spare me the trouble. It's also good that we get to go over to her Mom's house during lunch to eat because we're tired of the lunchroom, the halls are crowded, and it's too freakin' cold to eat outside. Besides, it's nice to have a real bathroom and a microwave to heat up your soup and a mirror to moan in front of before you go back to the second half of hell. So YAY for Becca letting us use her house! :)

Some funny/cool/interesting/random things about Becca: **Becca has the prettiest hair, I think, I have ever seen. It's naturally auburn reddish. I am very jealous. **Her little brother Sam is unnaturally cool for a little brother. How come I got stuck with three and all of them are duds while she has only one and he's a top quality younger sibling? Unfair. **She has a cool singing fish in the basement of her Dad's house. That is a very swinging salmon! **I think I already mentioned this, but she is our DM. All hail the DM! **She is very, very funny. I'll let her explain.

Pallette #5: Liz I have known since, like, ever. Our mothers knew each other and we were introduced as babies so we basically grew up together. Poor Liz has to go to an all-girl private school and yet she somehow manages to get several boyfriends before I even have my first. What's up with that? Anyway, she comes riding on Fridays with me and Heather, too, at the same place. She is a really good rider, maybe because her mother rode too as a girl. I dunno. At any rate Liz always wants me to get condoms for her from the Teen Health Center, and I always chicken out. She really wants a black one right now, anyone know where I can get ahold of one?

Some funny/cool/interesting/random things about Liz: **She collects thong underwear as well as condoms. ;) **She has a very well-rounded room, I must say. It has horses on one side and teen posters on the other! **She is a year older than me, which means she gets packed off to college this year.

Pallette #6: Caylin hates it when people can't say her name right. I've heard several variations, including but not limited to: Claylin, Caitlin, Caileen, and Cathleen. She knows Arwen and Cindy best out of all my friends, and only really got to know me during Shakespeare class last year. That was a GOOD class! If you ever get the chance to take Shakespeare take it - it is well worth the sonnets. She also had cooking with me too and her, Arwen, and me can all giggle as a threesome. Fun-ness!

Some funny/cool/interesting/random things about Caylin: **She enjoys wearing black bras under white shirts - how chic! **She claims to be bad at writing, which is a lie. **She has a dog and many hampsters. **She likes N-SYNC, if memory serves. Or did I mess up my boy bands somewhere...

Pallette #7: Wing Chi was in my history class with Becca, but I really got to know her along with my other friends since she was already in the 'Nerd Herd', as we call it. We're cool nerds, though. She is very nice and a good student - WAY better than me - and short! :) But short is sweet.

Some funny/cool/interesting/random things about Wing Chi: **She wanted to change her name to Catherine but there is NO way I'll ever call her anything but Wing Chi so it's absolutely pointless. :) **She visited Hong Kong this summer and can eat very effectivly with chopsticks. I always seem to drop the food into my lap when I try to use them... **She absolutely HATES for anyone to touch her hair, even a little, which is too bad because it makes you want to touch it even more!

Well, those are my adorable friends. Aren't they great? Glad you agree! :)