U.S.A.= ep's are $3.50 for 1 or $3.00 each for 2 or more.
World= ep's are $7.00 for first and $6.00 each additional.
All mailorders get limited versions until limited versions are sold out.
In the U.S.A. wholesale is $2.10(standard mail)per record with a minimum of
10 ep's.Mix and match is ok.Always email first.
Around the world wholesale is $2.10 per record + postage with a minimum of
10 records.The postage will depend on you,if you want air mail or surface
mail.Again,please email first with questions.
I'm always interested in trading records for you records,cd's,tapes.I'm only
interested in grindcore,thrash,power violence,bandana thrash,gore,
straightXedge,hardcore,or whatever other cheesy terms are being made up for
this thing we call punk.
Also,if you have limited versions of your releases your limited's get mine.
In the U.S.A. send cash(well concealed)or money orders(postal m.o.'s
preffered..but not necessary)to RICHARD RAMOS. NOT Agitate 96.
Around the world send well comcealed cash only please.