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Light a candle wipe out darkness


America Our home sweet home..

In memory of Black Tuesday September 11, 2001

This page is dedicated to all those who lost their lives:

The four airplanes

All the people lost in the twin towers, and the Pentagon

and all the heroes who gave their lives to save others, the police and firemen.

Greater love than this had no man than to lay down his life for his brothers

May God in his mercy,

Looking down below,

Comfort the grieving,

And the suffering so,

Hear the prayers of

your people,

Lord help us to cope,


God bless us and keep us

Through the long, dark night

Keep the candle alight

As a reminder of life lost,

And at what a cost....


Love and light will overcome..




We remember all the loved ones .....

Light a candle for remembrance...

of those we lost,

And for those who mourn

Dear Lord comfort those who mourn,

Heal those who are injured,

Help our nation...

To cope, and to recover .

Help all Americans realize that attacking,

our citizens of Middle Eastern descent,

Would be lowering themselves to terrorist mentality.

All americans are not all good or all bad, neither are all nations.

Bring the hidden works of darkness to the light.

So all those involved can be caught.

And may we never forget those

Who lost their lives to help the others.

Pray for all the families of the lost,

For the heroes that have fallen,

And may God bless America,



for the perpetrators 

God will not be mocked....

Whatsoever a man sows he shall also reap.


For the families and the nation 

God is our refuge,

Our very help in times of trouble.



Links to help

How to help Blood and platelet donors will be needed over the next several weeks to help replenish the nation's supply. Call the Red Cross at 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or America's Blood Centers at 1-888-BLOOD-88 to schedule an appointment.

To donate money to the Red Cross for assisting victims of the attacks, call 1-800-HELP-NOW. The United Way of New York and The New York Community Trust have established a fund to help the victims of Tuesday's attacks and their families. Anyone wishing to contribute may call (212) 251-4035. Salvation Army, cash donations: 1-800-SAL- ARMY

Blood donors in upstate New York may call (800) 448-3543 or (800) 272-4543; donors in the New York City region may call (800) 692-5663 or (800) 933-2566.


St. Vincent's Catholic Medical Center (NYC) Patients' Hotline - (212) 604-7285

Morgan Stanley (World Trade Center tragedy hotline) - (888) 883-4391

Justice Dept. Office of Victims of Crime (national clearinghouse for victims and family members) - (800) 331-0075

Light a Candle of Peace

click to donate money for free to redcross relief

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