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Faith can move mountains,

No matter how steep,

And calm the rough waters,

No matter how deep.


Faith can change darkness

To heavenly light,

While leading us tranquilly

Out of the night.


All this I can grant, with

Assurance, you see,

For countless are the mountains,

That faith has moved for me.

(Laura Baker Haynes )

Thy Power

Father do thou this day free me...

From fear of the future..

From anxiety for tomorrow

From bitterness toward anyone,

From cowardice in face of danger,

From laziness in face of work,

From failure before opportunity,

From weakness when they power is at hand.

But fill me, I beseech Thee, with...

Love that knows no barriers,

courage that cannot be shaken,

Faith strong enough for the darkness,

Strength sufficient for my tasks,

Loyalty to Thy kingdom's goal,

Wisdom to meet life's complexities,

Grace to meet life's perplexities,

Power to lift others unto Thee.



"My times are in Thy hand" Psalms 31:15


page and graphics by Angells 

midi sailing xg  author unknown

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