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Welcome to the webring.

Prior to submitting your site, please be sure that you have an angel graphics page or site. To submit your site to the Angel Graphics Round The Web queue, simply complete the form below. Please submit the url of the page where your ring fragment will be placed, and make sure it has a button or text link back to your home page. If the fragment is placed on a webring page, please add the link somewhere on your first page of your site, thank you!

You will be notified by email once your site has been placed in the ring and assigned a Site ID number. The html fragment code needed to set up the Webring on your page will be included in this email. Both this code and the graphic provided below must be on your page before you can be added to the ring.

You may choose which image you would like; save it to your own computer by right clicking and save as, and upload to your server.

Once you have the HTML code and the Angel Graphics Round The Web graphic in place on your website, please e-mail the Ringmaster to have your site officially added to the ring. You can get the code here

PLEASE NOTE: The Angel Graphics Round The Web Web Ring reserves the right to refuse any site that does not meet the minimum requirements for the ring. Pornographic nor satanic sites may apply. This is a family oriented ring.

Thank you.

Submit a site to

Angel Graphics Round The Web Ring

Site Title:

Site URL:

Site Owner:

EMail Address:



Site Description:
