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The No More Homepage

Talent without genius isn't much, but genius without talent is nothing whatsoever.

-- Valery

Welcome to the No More Homepage. It was built to promote my first fantasy series, but as usual my skewed mind buried this small fact beneath the mounds of interests that flit through my thoughts at any given moment. So, enjoy this Heinz 57 mutt of a website, and if you're interested you can scroll down to the bottom of this page to read about the novels I've written.

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Short Stories

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No More: Book One of the No More Trilogy

Excerpt from Chapter One: First Paragraph.

They say with a little tempering a normal man can become a great man, but what happens when a man has been thrust into the fire for too long? Most Philosophers would say he would become an even greater man because his trials and tribulations were more severe. I know different.
The man becomes twisted, enraged at what was done to him.

Back Cover Text.

Bent beneath the burden of revenge, a lone man defies the gods and a past darker than his own onyx eyes. Cursed by destiny’s uncaring hand, he walks upon a path in which even the hope of salvation lies hidden in the shadows of despair. His crusade, fueled by an unquenchable hatred of the gods, brings him to the apex of cruelty when the gods resurrect his past and permit him a glimpse of the only joy fate allowed him before dragging him through the shambles of the condemned.

Shunned by fate and all of humanity, one must wonder; what are the limitations of a man possessed with the rage of the damned?

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