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The Divine Ring (DR) are the Leaders of The Angels of the Fallen.  We are committed to working together, working logically, and working towards our goals, whatever they may be at any given time.  Our goal as a collective Realm is to make for an exciting and pleasurable gaming experience for all of our members.  To leave politics behind and worry about the needs and wants of our members.  
"Do not let the holograms or the pixels fool you. Know what is real…know what makes us strong and different from the rest. It is the importance we place on one another" 
- AoF FrostAngel

Organization of the Divine Ring

   The Divine Ring makes decisions in the best interest of the clan.

 Rules of the DR and DR Members

     1)     No decisions are final until all members of the DR have voted

     2)  All decisions in the DR must be unanimous 

3)     Must attend 3 of 4 Leader Meetings a month and 3 of 4 Full Clan meetings a month.

4)     Must stay in accordance with the Clan Rules and Codes of Conduct.

5)     Other Responsibilities that we incur later.

6)     Must be dedicated to helping AoF prosper and achieve their goals.

Members of the Divine Ring

AoF Amraa

AoF Timmeyerink

AoF Shikton

AoF Asandir