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Name Quote Affect
Abandoned The hands of men are guided by fate. +2 to Dexterity.
Creepy Strength is bolstered by heavy faith. +2 to Strength.
Cryptic Arcane power brings destruction. Sends out nova spell & refills your mana.
Divine Drink and be refreshed. Refills health and mana & supplies either 2 full rejuvenation potions or 1 full mana & health potion.
Eerie Knowledge & wisdom at cost of self. +2 to Magic. Also permanently sucks mana
Eldritch Crimson & Azure become as the sun. All potions turn to rejuvenation.
Enchanted Magic is not what it seems to be. - 1 level to a random spell all others +1. Will not increase beyond max level.
Fascinating Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom. + 2 to Fire Bolt spell. Lose 1/10 of your maximum mana.
Glimmering Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason. Identifies everything you are carrying.
Gloomy Those who defend seldom attack. +2 AC to all armour, shields and helmets. -1 to all weapons. This is permanent.
Hidden New strength is forged through destruction. -10 durability from one item. +10 to max and current durability to all other items.
Holy Wherever you go, there you are. Teleports you to a random location.
Magical While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives. Casts a mana shield over you.
Imposing A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts. +2 to Dexterity.
Mysterious Some grow weaker as one grows stronger. +5 to one random stat, - 1 to other three.
Ornate Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom. +2 to Holy Bolt level, lose 1/10 maximum mana.
Quiet The essence of life flows from within. +2 to Vitality.
Religious Time can not diminish the power of steel. Repairs all equipment to max.
Sacred Energy comes at the cost of wisdom. +2 to Charged Bolt level, lose 1/10 of maximum mana.
Secluded The way is made clear when viewed from above. Reveals entire map of that level. Bit of a pain really as you are then unable to see which sections you have already cleared.
Spiritual Riches abound when least expected Fills inventory with 10-30 pieces of gold.
Spooky You: Where avarice fails, patience gains reward.
Others: Blessed by a benevolent companion.
Full rejuvenation potions for other players.
Stone The powers of mana refocused renews. Recharges all staves you are carrying.
Tainted You: Those who are last may yet be first.
Others: Generosity brings its own rewards.
+1 to random stat of user, -1 to all stats of other players.
Thaumaturgic What was once open is now closed. All open chests are closed and refilled.
Weird The swords of justice are swift and sharp. +1 to maximum damage of all weapons you are carrying.


Name Effect
Blood Fountain Increases health-can repeat until full
Fountain of Tears +1 to one attribute, -1 to another
Goat Shrine/Cauldron Random effect
Murky Pool Infravision for short period
Purifying Spring Increases mana-can repeat until full