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Butcher should be found on level 2 in a room full of slain bodies. For a Warrior, make sure you have the best equipment you can lay your hands on and try to get the first hack in, it should not be too hard after that. If a Rogue, try to find a room nearby that has some gratings in the wall, open his door and run to the other room closing the door behind you. You can then fire arrows at him through the gratings without taking any damage yourself. If you are a Sorcerer, open his door and immediately cast a Fire Wall in his room and shut the door. He should succumb to the flames as he has no immunities and only magic resistance's. You can also defeat him with a bow using the Rogue's method. Quest given by:


Poisoned Water Supply
Soon as starting a game go down to the Crypts and return to town immediately. Talk to Pepin who will tell you that the water supply of Tristram is being poisoned. Return to level 2 of the dungeon and locate a hole in the wall surrounded by candles. Select the hole (Dark Passage) and enter. Goatmen, Dark Ones and a Goatman Archer will greet you. Kill them all. The quest is now complete. Return to Pepin and he will give you the Ring of Truth. Quest given by: Pepin the Healer


Skeleton King
After speaking to Ogden who will solicit your help to put King Leoric's soul at ease. On level 3 of the Crypts go to his tomb and kill ALL the enemies there. There will be two levers, first pull the lever of left. This will open a door to a room containing two chests, take the contents. Now pull the lever on the right which will open the way to the Skeleton King. Stock up on Mana Potions and use Holy Bolt to kill him as soon as possible. The longer he is alive the more skeletons he will resurrect. Quest given by: Ogden


Ogden's Sign
After Ogden has informed you that his sign is missing make your way to level four of the Crypts and look for a Dark One called Snotspill. He will tell you that some "Big Uglies" stole his sign, and he wants you to get it back. Find a room full of Overlords protecting a chest, kill them all and take the contents of the chest (Ogden's sign).You can give the sign to Snotspill who will tell you he can now cast "Great Magic" and a pack of Overlords will descend upon. At this point you have solved the Quest. Alternatively, you can give the sign to Ogden who will reward you will a magical item. Quest given by: Ogden


Garbad the Weak
Bit of a tedious one this. On level four of the Crypts you will meet Garbad the Weak who will ask you to protect him in return for a reward. Once he has told you this go to another level. Return to him, he will now tell you he is still making your reward and will give you an item in the meantime. Again, leave level four and return when he will tell you he is not yet done. Leave one last time. When you return he will tell you he has finished your item but you must fight him for it. He is pretty weak and once dead you will be able to collect the item he made for you. Quest given by: Garbad the Weak


Valor Armor
You will find a book on level five of the Catacombs that will tell you of a Warrior called Arkaine whose Valor armour can be found on that level. Search the level and you should find three Bloodstones. Place these on the blood alter by clicking on it. A wall will now disappear somewhere on the level revealing a great hall. Make your way down the hall killing the demons that attack you. At the end of the hallway you will find Arkaine's Valor. Quest given by:Book of Blood


Chamber of Bone
In the Catacombs you will find a book on a pedestal. This will tell you of great treasures found in the Chamber of Bone. Now look for a new area revealed or a staircase surrounded by eight pillars. Go up the staircase. In the chamber there will be two levers one to the left and one to the right. First kill all the enemies (Firewall is good here). Once the levers are pulled they will reveal rooms containing magical goodies. Returning to the original chamber make your way to the end of the room and read the Guardian Spell book. Quest given by: Book


Magic Rock
Go to the level 5 of the Catacombs and return to town to speak to Griswold. He will tell you of a Magic Rock and that if you return it to him he will reward you. Return to level 5 and find the rock. Present this to Griswold and he will give you the Empyrean Band Quest given by: Griswold


Halls of the Blind
One of the levels in the Catacombs you will find a book. Read it. This will trigger a room to open up somewhere on the same level. Kill all the Illusion Weavers inside and enter the smaller rooms to collect the optic amulet. Quest given by: Book of Blind


Black Mushroom
Find the Fungal Tome in the Caves and give it to Adria the Witch. Talk to her and she will tell you that she needs a Black Mushroom. Return to the caves and locate a patch of mushrooms one of which will be black. Take this one back to Adria. She'll now tell you she needs an Elixir from Pepin. When you go to Pepin to ask for one he will tell you he needs a demon's brain to create it. Go back to the caves now and kill a demon. His brain will be left on the ground. Take this to Pepin and collect the Elixir. Take the Elixir to Adria. Ungrateful cow will now tell you she doesn't need it! Drink it yourself and it will raise your base stats by 2 or 3. Quest given by: Fungal Tome


Anvil of Fury
Speak to Griswold who will tell you that he can make you a truly awesome weapon if he had the Anvil of Fury. Return to the Caves (level 10) and locate a small island in the lava. It will be surrounded by archers. Kill them all and collect the anvil and take it back to Griswold. He will give you Griswold's Edge (sword). Quest given by: Griswold


Warlord of Blood
On the level 13 of Hell you should locate a Steel Tomb that will tell you of the Warlord of Blood. You will find him in a room by the stairs down to level 14. He will have some Knights with him. Lure these out one by one and kill them. Stone Curse the Warlord and kill him. He will drop a unique sword (Inferno). Quest given by: Steel Tome


Zhar the Mad
On level 8 of the Caves in the Library you will find Zhar the Mad. Talk to him and he will give you a book. Take all the scrolls around you too. Only take the book from the bookcase if you feel you are strong enough to fight him. If you are use Stone Curse to stop him shooting Fireballs. You will need to stone him a few times before he finally dies. Quest given by: Zhar the Mad


Find Lachdanan on level 14. He will not kill you but tell you that he was one of King Leoric's Knights until he was cursed. He is the only remaining Blood Knight that has stood the curse and kept his sanity. He requests that you find him a golden Elixir so that he may end his life. Go to Level 15 and find the Elixir. Give it to Lachdanan and he will give you the Veil of Steel. Once he drinks the Elixir and dies he will drop a magical item. Quest given by:


Archbishop Lazarus
Go to level 15 of Hell there will find Lazarus's staff on a Vile Rack near the pentagram down to Diablo. Take it to Cain. He will tell you a story and take the staff from you. Return to level 15 and enter the red portal. Awaiting you will be Advocates and Snow Witches in cages. Pick off these lot before tackling Laz himself. To kill them from afar use Fire Bolt. If you feel the urge to get stuck in there stand on the circular areas near the books. Whilst standing there read a book and you will be transported into the nearest Witches cage. Kill them all then return to the area where you first appeared and step onto the ornate circle. You will be teleported to Lazarus's chamber. Laz will begin a long speech, take this opportunity to run for it. Try to lure out the minions, including the two Uniques (Red Vex and Blackjade) and dispose of them all before attempting Laz himself. After they are all dead return to the chamber. Stone Curse comes in handy here as Laz will continuously teleport around his chamber. If you do not have Stone Curse watch the light on the floor to help anticipate where Laz will next appear. If you are a Rogue shoot arrows wherever the light is. That way when Laz appears for a moment he should at least take a couple of arrows in the puss before disappearing again. If you are a Warrior you will have to run round chasing the light to ensure you get a couple of hacks in. As a Sorcerer you should have some semi decent spells to off load onto him including Stone Curse. Once Lazarus is dead another red portal will appear that will take you back to Level 15. Quest given by: Staff of Lazarus


Stand in the middle of the pentagram, this will take you to level 16. This level is split into 4 quadrants. The level is full of Blood Knights and Advocates. Before pulling any levers and opening any room clear all corridors and open spaces. Clear the open room (top right), pull lever in that room.

Go to maze-like room (bottom right) and make your way round maze killing knights and Advocates. Pull lever in the centre.

Go to room now open at top left and lure out as many Knights as possible by loitering around the four openings into the room. Venture in and take the Advocates out. You will notice two levers in this room, leave these for now.

Make your way to bottom left of the level to outside Diablo's room and set some Flamewalls outside the opening. This will help damage some of the Knights as they leave Diablo's room.

Quickly return to the room with two levers and pull both. Back down to Diablo's room. Lurk by the Flamewall and send some Lightning through it to try and lure some of the Knights out. Take as many out as you can before the bigman himself ventures out.

Killing Diablo himself is relatively easy compared to the minions accompanying him. As far as spells are concerned use Holy Bolt. Alternatively, I have teleported into his room in Hell/Hell, dumped loads of Flamewalls and these alone have taken him out. Equally a good bow or tasty sword in the guts will take him down too.
Quest given by: