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HOLLY Sweet chicka who I need to live closer to so I can see her more often
MICAHMy twin...yes we have the same name. I've known Micah since...february? sXe sista...
AMANDA My beautiful moon mother. I love her like...a mother...hehe...I wish she would come back!!!
JAIMIE YAEEE!!!! Perty little girl...very fun to chill with and just be around!
SAMANTHA Another sister of mine. The thing about Sam is, I know she will have my back...thats why i love her.
FORK A friend of mine, he's sweet and shuckies, he's kewl, i luv him.
JOEL Hmmm...Joel. Well, Joel is my friend, I love him, like i do all my buds.
MEGHAN This is my WIFEY!!! Anyone messes with her, and your messin with me. MWAH!
ELIZABETH I love this chicka, my other wife...she's so smart she makes Einstein look like a worm;)
KELLY My other wife...I love her lots...she's perty even though I don't think she realizes it
DAVE Such a dudeman kewl, sweet type bad i dont see him that much
ANGELA I wuv this little girl...she's so cute and reminds me, hehe!