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This page has only info about me. So, if you don't like me for whatever reason...GO AWAY!!!!!! 1. Full name: Micah Ali Taylor
2. Age: 14
3. Gender: Female
4. Height: 5'4"
5. weight: 117
6. eye color: Brown
7. Hair color: Brown
8. skin color:, mocha choco latte
9. Original features (braces, glasses, birth marks, etc.): my nose
10. siblings: Chastity, Michael, Justin, Jeneal, Vanessa, Corey, Stephanie, Nicki
12. Marital status: taken
13. where I live: Charlotte NC
14. Favorite color: Orange and black
15. favorite song: Lots
16. Favorite food: Monzeralla sticks
17. favorite place: Out of the house
18. Favorite store: I dont know
19. favorite restaurant: bennigans
20. Favorite hobby: dancing
21. favorite band/group: Acid Bath, LCK, NIN, Stabbing Westward
22. Favorite college: Juliard, UCLA, University of Florida
23. favorite person: i dont know
24. role model: i dont have a good one
25. favorite movie: Requiem for a Dream
26. favorite holiday: Beltaine
27. birthday: November 8th, 1987
28. favorite bible scripture: ...
29. Favorite TV show: um...
30. Favorite C.D: um...
31. Favorite drink: oreo shake
32. Favorite sports team: dancing
33: favorite book: i was a teenage fairy
35. right now I am wearing: A black tank top and my red lined baggy jeans
36. any pets: poppi-my dog
37. favorite car: ferriri
38. favorite memory: i dont know
39. characteristics of dream guy: he has to be-my guy
40. mcdonald's or wendy's: wendy's
41. curly hair or straight hair: straight
42. blondes or brunettes: either
43. oj or apple juice: oj
44. strawberry or grape: grapes
45. vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
46. camp or SEC: huh?
47. black or white: doesn't matter
48. romance or comedy (movies): comedy yeah! lol
49. action or horror: action- horror
50. Nsync or backstreet boys: I dont like either one particularly
51. Dave Matthews or creed: dmb
52. outdoor wedding or indoor: depends on the weather (hehe)
53. beach or mountains: beach
54. coke or Dr. Pepper: neither
55. TV, radio, computer, or telephone: TELEPHONE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!
56. red or blue: red
56. pink or yellow: yellow
57. 1980s or 1970s: 60s
58. right or left : right
59. summer or winter: summer
i don't know what else to put here yet, so if you want to suggest it on the guestbook