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I believe that we all have the ability to write poetry. I do, when I get a chance. If you want to comment on it you can post on the guest book...I'm good with criticism. Most of it is not titled, so a change of font is a new poem or song.

I scream the tears of my heart
The pain I was taught to repress
The fear of fairy tales come true
The hurt that is because of you

When the bogeyman comes out of the closet
And stumbles under the sheets
I yell how he was with me in bed
But that's stupid and all in your head

Next time the Tooth Fairy comes
With touching unlike Mr. Bogey
I speak of caressing so shady
That's foolish, the fairy's a lady

Now thrice, Easter Bunny comes knocking
And touches my still growing eggs
New answer, Sir Easters hibernating
They tire of these lies I've been stating

Finalized when daddy stops by,
And touches are taken top level
I scream of daddy's bad deeds
I'm tired of your lying, now leave.

Lost in this world I have made for myself
I suffer the pains alone
Troubling disorders you read on the shelf
I exist through them at home
Living the life that I have chosen
There is no one else to blame
Rents cast the shadows I'm expected to live in
My true life would put them to shame

I walk with the sun so innocent
Pure as the light itself
The moon shows I'm truly defiant
It's poisons decay my health
My soul saturated with evil
My heart longs for danger
The type of which is purely illegal
And uses my life as a wager.

You say I'm beautiful to you
The loveliest you've ever known
You say I'm beautiful to you
You put me up on a pedestal

No touching you'd rather look
And admire from a far
All your touch will do is taint me
All your touch will do is scar

But I need to here your voice, when you whisper in my ear
And I need to feel your hands, when you wipe away my tears
I need to see you near me, beside me, with me
But I'm up on a pedestal
I wanna kiss you in the day
I wanna feel you breathe at night
I wanna look into your eyes
I wanna know you'll hold me tight

Your dirtied by your past
I'm innocent and pure
If I'm the light on this earth
Then your the blemish of the world

But I need to here your voice, when you whisper in my ear
And I need to feel your hands, when you wipe away my tears
I need to see you near me, beside me, with me
But I'm up on a pedestal