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Picture taken at the Hilton Hotel, where the dinner for the grand gala was served, which depicts the elegance and glitter of the event. Princess Beatrix sat in the middle of Mr. Claus von Amsberg and HRH the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, while Queen Juliana was on the left of her future son-in-law. The picture above shows the couple pictured during the evening.

Beautiful photos of Princess Beatrix and Mr. Claus von Amsberg as they opened the ball in the Burgerzaal of the Royal Palace of Amsterdam, in the Dam Square, after their arrival from the Hilton Hotel, which is also pictured above.

Princess Beatrix with her father, HRH Prince Bernhard. The Prince is told to have been the greatest supporter of Mr. Claus von Amsberg when the Princess told her mother of her decision to marry the German aristocrat. In the picture are clearly seen the magnificent jewels worn by the Princess at the banquet and subsequent ball, which are identified in the jewels page.

Pictures of some of the royal guests arriving either to the Royal Palace or the Hilton Hotel, for the grandest of the parties offered on the occasion of the royal wedding. On the left TRH the Prince and Princess of the Asturias, Princess Sofia extremely elegant for the occasion. In the middle, TRH the Prince and the Princess of Liège and on the left HRH Princess Irene of Greece.

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